
What Hurums team discovered was rather satisfying and astonishing, they uncovered for the first time ever recorded to date an even larger pliosaur....

We all secretly hope that should we ever fall ill to a serious disease that doctors will have the right technology available with which to cure us. Today we have a lot more cause for hope than 10 years ago, for example....

The Footprints from Tanzania
In 1979, archaeologists in Tanzania discovered tracks of human feet identical to those of modern man....

The remains of over 40 adult animals of an unknown species, living near a large freshwater lake, were also discovered near them....

French and Egyptian archaeologists have discovered 5 kings' statue heads from the time of the pharaohs in Egypt....

The double helix was discovered by Nobel laureate Francis Crick, a pioneer in genetic research. But it's also no secret that the brilliant scientist often used LSD....

Many of the greatest archaeological discoveries throughout history that have shed light on mankind's past have been found at the bottom of ancient tombs....

New geoglyphs have been found in Nazca. The never-before-seen designs came to the fore after powerful winds and an intense storm raged across Peru.
Eduardo Herrán Gomez de la Torre saw the new motifs by complete chance...


Its discoverers describe it with the term "demonic being" because of the way it looks, not from a moral standpoint....

A temple with a tomb has been discovered in which for thousands of years has remains of human sacrifices in it. It was uncovered by archaeologists in Peru....

During excavations for the construction of a new building dead bodies of 13 people were discovered, all of whom were buried in the same horrific manner....

The sarcophagus with its millennia-old mummy was discovered in the southern Egyptian city of Luxor by a team of Spanish archaeologists, writes the British Independent....

The largest and deadliest Viking ax has been discovered in Denmark. It was found in an excavated tomb of a powerful couple from the 10th century....

Just days ago, scientists announced that they had discovered a new species of prehistoric hominid. It inhabited the territory of Eastern Asia 490 000 - 10 000 years ago....