»Articles»Bloody Mary



For her cruelty she was called "Bloody Mary" - also the origin of the popular beverage.
Ilse Koch (1906 - 1967) and Irma Grese (1923 - 1945)
Ilse Koch was known as the "Witch of Buchenwald"....

According to one of the sailors, there was a discarded captain's hat in the ship's hold, with a piece of a tentacle next to it lying in a pool of dark blood....

Together with her 17-year-old son Glen, they settled on the decision to kill Grady and shot him in cold blood one evening....

According to legend, the dyeing of eggs became a part of Christianity when Mary Magdalene visited the Roman Emperor and gave him a red egg as a gift, symbolizing Christ's blood....

Bloody Mary, is a woman who three centuries before had killed her child. You can see her ghost, if you enter a school toilet in the dark, face the mirror and say her name out loud three times....

There are traces of blood and the killer's semen on the item. Russell Edwards, amateur detective, acquired the scarf 7 years ago at an auction....