Scientists from around the world for decades have been trying to unravel the mystery of five of the most unexplainable phenomena but continue to try in vain.
The first is the way the brain affects the body. Medicine is currently still in early development. Most bizarre is the placebo effect which isolates the sick people of the symptoms due to their belief that they have a strong medicine.

The second phenomenon is unexplained so far are the clever sensory skills. Many people believe that intuition is a form of mental strength, something like a way to peek into the future. Science does not even deny the existence of strange psychic powers who possess the people that know how to predict the future. How can these people predict the future? is also unexplained.
Thirdly, are near death experiences and life after death. People who were close to death, say they experienced the wonderful feeling of peace and say the saw and went to the light. Skeptics believe that these are hallucinations of the traumatized brain, but no one has demonstrated that it is not in the afterlife.
Fourth place are UFOs. Although there are many testimonies from people that believe that have seen a UFO fly near them, yet many people are skeptical about the existence of the green men. Incidents involving unidentified flying objects also can not be explained by modern science.
Deja vu comes last but not least, this experience is known as "deja vu", it creates a strange feeling in people that they believe that what they are experiencing is something they have once already experienced. For example, people who visit foreign countries, are convinced that some things are known to them as if they lived there for years. Some believe that these are memories of past lives. This phenomenon also remains a mystery.