»Choosen Collections»What was Napoleon Bonaparte Most Terrified of

Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as Napoleon I, was a French general who became Emperor of France in 1804....

First he was given the office of deacon, then - preacher, and was finally named bishop....

Their hands were cut off while they were alive and the last thing they saw, was the approaching of the wooden stakes to their breasts....

Rubbing both palms together is most often seen at gambling places....

Lilith is perhaps one of the most mysterious Biblical figures, with only scarce remnants of her description surviving....

Not Friday the 13th, but Monday the 27th is really the most miserable day of the year....

Making fires and eating over the remains was also prohibited. What was left of the wall ruins looked like 2 mausoleums made of sand....

It is said that the only certain thing in human life is death but even though this bit of wisdom is familiar to most people, few of us truly realize...

Esoteric reader
These are the fans of esoteric science who read large quantities of esoteric materials but do not practice what they've read....

Among the greatest mysteries related to dreams is the question of what blind people dream of....

Most often, it is women who dream of cheating, with this type of dream providing them a sign that they must show more firmness and defend their positions...

In the early eighteenth century Hungarian Liebava city was attacked by a vampire....
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