
Here are some good ways to stay awake when you want to fight with sleepiness....

Other symptoms are constant sleepiness, total apathy and indifference toward life and everything that happens, as well as the main symptom - the chronic ruination of every task that's begun....

Most often this happens to people with narcolepsy - a disease of the nervous system, characterized by daily bouts of sleepiness and compelling episodes of sudden sleep onset....

They raise body temperature which can reduce sleepiness. Plus they raise acid levels.
The monosodium glutamate that's added to many processed and canned foods can cause headaches and insomnia in some....

• Excessive daytime sleepiness
One of the main features of narcolepsy is uncontrolled sleep during the day with huge drowsiness. People who suffer from narcolepsy fall asleep without warning, anywhere and anytime....

You're going to a faraway destination.
5 - Get plenty of sleep now because there are many sleepless nights of revelry in store for you.
6 - A passionate character is coming on the horizon....

For example, 1-2 Hz cause sleepiness. 5-6 Hz provoke uncontrollable fear. Under constant exposure, the brain gradually enters into a resonance and is destroyed....

The inventor's productivity, alongside the sleepless nights, he owed to his frequent use of a cocktail containing generous quantities of cocaine, known as a Vin Mariani....

It is believed that just one sleepless night has the effect of alcohol abuse. In our hectic everyday life, we don't even realize what harm we are doing to our body by not giving it the necessary rest....