»Articles»King Solomon
Legends and tales about King Solomon
Each of his thousands of women prepared meals every day in the hope that King Solomon will eat with them.
One of the parables of Solomon tells how he was embarrassed by a small ant....
Archaeologists discovered the mines of King Solomon
The name Solomon is mentioned in the Old Testament by ruler and owner of the rich gold mines....
Ancient Text Reveals the Location of King Solomon's TreasureIn the scroll there is also mention of hidden treasure, though not from Solomon's Temple....
The Solomonic Dynasty - Millennial Rulers of the East
According to the Kebra Nagast, it was indeed the first representative of the Solomonic Dynasty, Menelik I, who visited Jerusalem to meet with King Solomon of Israel....
The Gospel of Satan
It is postulated that the gospel of Satan was discovered in King Solomon's grave in Jerusalem in 1750....
The Greatest Warrior Women, who Crushed Empires
Her reign lasted 40 years and was marked by unseen terror, her main goal being to wipe out all members of the Solomonic dynasty (descendants of the Queen of Sheba)....