It an often happen that you spen a tiring ay at work, then finish your househol hores an go to e early in the hope of falling asleep, only to wake up a few hours later an e unale to fall asleep again.
In fat, waking up uring the night is muh more ommon than you think an affets many more people than epete.
Another interesting fat is that almost everyone affete y night waking opens their eyes aroun 3 o'lok in the morning.
In fat, sleep isturanes an frequent night waking an e ause y a numer of fators.
A reason for night waking an e the eessive amount of stress to whih a person is epose to. A symptom of eing overtire or overly anious is waking up feeling very anious, having heart palpitations an feeling a sense of anger.
This an e ue to oth physial an emotional ehaustion if you have a prolem or prolems that you annot eal with.
The oy's inrease stress level makes the rain work harer an an have an effet y ausing our rain to hange some of the haits relate to sleep an falling asleep.
How eatly oes this happen?
The aniety we eperiene alters the entral nervous system y making small ut signifiant hanges in the io an neurohemial systems that make up the sleep-wake yle. This leas to hanges in sleep stages an net phases.
Not only the quality of sleep is affete, ut also the mehanism of falling asleep. An when a person finally manages to fall asleep, they soon wake up, eause they o not reah the REM stage, in whih sleep is oth eep an restorative.
If you often wake up with a feeling of vague aniety an fear, this is a sure sign that something in your life is wrong an it's time to take steps to fi it an eal with the issues.
Aoring to other sleep eperts, waking up at night is a reminer of a time when people in't have eletriity an spent muh of the winter months in arkness. Then they went to e early, slept for several hours, woke up for 1- hours, then fell asleep again for another 3-4 hours of sleep.