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No one's paying me any attention but I have incredible potential!No one's paying me any attention but I have incredible potential!
04 July
Hello and here's my story: I have huge potential as a physicist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, biologist, chemist and programmer but I'm constantly rejected everywhere. No one wants to hear what I have to say at school, my...
I Think I'm Dying!I Think I'm Dying!
20 May
Hello, I haven't been feeling well for a long time now. I'm only 16 years old. Thoughts of fear. . . of death, keep invading my mind. And I feel that something's not right with me. For nearly a year I've been feeling faintness...
Something in the DarknessSomething in the Darkness
31 Mar.
Hello all. One time I was walking with my friends in the forest in the middle of the night. We sat down to take a break. Suddenly, something shuffled from behind a bush. We weren't frightened because it was a bit windy...
The Dream with the Bottomless HandbagThe Dream with the Bottomless Handbag
31 Mar.
Hello. I had quite a strange dream this time. Usually dreams had some kind of message for me in the past, while in recent months absolutely everything that I dreamed of has been happening in real life. I remember just a...
A Ghost Walks on my Bed at NightA Ghost Walks on my Bed at Night
18 Mar.
Heya! Recently a series of strange things have been happening to me, ones I'd like to share. Since this past Christmas I became a huge fan of Michael Jackson and really got deep into his work and persona. Since then strange...
We saw a strange purple lightWe saw a strange purple light
26 Feb.
Hi, I'd like to share something with you. Last night while we were sending our friend home (my friend and I) the streetlights dimmed the instant we passed under them and then on our way back they lit up again. This was around...
I Feel Afraid, Without Knowing the Reason for itI Feel Afraid, Without Knowing the Reason for it
19 Feb.
For nearly a year now I've been hearing, sensing and seeing strange things around me. It all started after my grandmother passed away. She tried to contact me, it seems. She was moving objects around, I had dreams of...
I don't normally dream in colorI don't normally dream in colorI have no idea if it has anything to do with my dream or not. Yesterday I had forgotten to pay for the cable, so today it was disconnected. It led to a very unpleasant conversation after which I had gone to sleep because...
My Mother Knew When She Would DieMy Mother Knew When She Would Die
12 Feb.
Hello all, Here's my story: My mother died 4 years ago, she was sick with cancer and kept saying to me: "Just 1 grandchild, please, so I can look after him a few months until I no longer can. . . " Then she died on 05...
It's Among Us!!It's Among Us!!
12 Feb.
Two of my friends and I were sitting on a log near the forest. We decided to go for a walk and right at that moment a tree fell over, just as someone or something pulled me (there was no one else with us). The tree fell...
One Soul in Two BodiesOne Soul in Two Bodies
08 Feb.
Everyone's heard, I assume, of people existing in one another, so to speak. People who think, act and feel together? I remember a book about this sort of thing I read once, sci-fi of course! But that doesn't matter. Have...
Is This Some Kind of Magic?Is This Some Kind of Magic?
29 Jan.
My story is as follows. When I was little my mother had bought a pair of golden earrings. We had a guest over and the earrings disappeared. After some time, my mom was cleaning the little area outside the apartment, she lifted...
I'm Scared of EverythingI'm Scared of Everything
29 Jan.
I'm 13 and I'm afraid of everything, ghosts, the dark, and a whole bunch of other stuff. When I go in bathroom I can't look in the mirror, I'm scared I'll see something behind me. But I'm especially afraid of the dark....
Is it Possible?Is it Possible?
18 Jan.
Hello! Several days ago I read some articles about rebirth and memories from past lives. I was very curious and wanted to find out whether I too had any memories and started looking for ways to find them. I read a lot and...