»Articles»Your Daily Horoscope for March 9

Your Daily Horoscope for March 9


Today is also going to be under the influence of the Moon in Sagittarius, which drives us to be more active, dynamic and to pursue our goals with boldness and confidence.

It'd be difficult to find a subject or person capable of ruining your good mood today. The day is going to be productive as long as you don't allow the little problems to take hold and look at the broader picture.

Forget about self-criticism and dissatisfaction, instead look at the lighter side of life and try to have fun.

On the other hand, Jupiter begins a retrograde phase in Scorpio today. During this period we'll be able to look deeper within ourselves and reevaluate life's priorities.


Throughout the day, act more independently and take responsibility for yourself. Although it's easier to blame others, today you have to act more maturely and reasonably. But don't be overly impulsive because you could bring serious problems crashing on your head due to reckless actions. Consider every step in order to protect yourself from ill-fated consequences.


Though you have a desire to mingle with your environment, it will be difficult for you to ignore your own schedule. You need to come up with an excellent strategy in order to handle the public pressure and free yourself of the desire to be liked by everyone. Look deeper within yourself to find out where your worst issues are originating from.


Today it's likely you'll explode more easily, even if you do desire more peaceful and tranquil communication with others. Every deviation from your old plans may spark furious emotions on your part but to avoid ruining projects that are already underway it'd be best to restrain yourself from outbursts. Remain honest but present your opinion more collectedly.


You're going to be bursting with energy today but this could upset you more than put you in a positive mood. The hostile attitude of those around you isn't to your taste but instead of succumbing to your old fears join in the dynamics of the day. Get out of your shell and be more active in order to dissolve the feeling of nonfulfillment.


You may be more explosive than usual today but as long as you apologize for what's said and done, there won't be any serious consequences from it. Clarify your intentions before others and show them that you don't mean any harm, that you're simply more emotional on given subjects. Whatever mistakes you make, admit them to mitigate the damage.


Today you won't be able to rely on your analytical skills to divide up the whole into small details and reach the truth. But the more you try to follow the rational approach the more problems you'll create for yourself. Trust in your intuition and instincts today because they will unlock your ingenuity.


If you'd like to reach someone's heart, today you're going to have to open up to others and talk more. Don't expect them to read your thoughts and decipher your hints. Be direct and honest by expressing your opinion, desires and expectations right off. The more you share the more likely your desires will become realized.


You may have set quite ambitious tasks for yourself over the past few days that you won't be able to finish by yourself. So don't be too prideful, instead seek collaboration from those around you. You may feel fright due to your own vulnerability but if you show your weak sides you'll win more support and friends.


There will be no shortage of limitations today to remind you of what you can and cannot do. But instead of despairing, try to familiarize yourself better with these limits. It could well be that it's only your fears that are preventing you from overcoming them and keeping you stagnant. Even if you don't succeed right away, give it your all and learn from your mistakes.


Even though in most cases your aspirations are aimed toward your profession and material prosperity, give priority to your emotional nature today. Try to find out what's making you feel one way or another, in order to get to know yourself better. The wisdom you accumulate today is going to allow you to set goals for yourself more clearly, plus they'll be ones you truly want.


Although you'd like for others around you to like you, if you obsess too much over others' opinions today you'll miss opportunities for realizing your personal projects. Determine the borderline between yourself and others, without letting another's viewpoint alter the path to your dreams.


Today may serve you greater responsibilities at the workplace. You're going to have to tie yourself down with longer term projects and make serious promises. Even if you aren't thrilled about devoting yourself that much to your profession, don't overlook the opportunity for career growth. The workload may seem huge at first but it will allow you to build solid foundations in your life.
