Love during the month of February will be unpredictable, yet those zodiac signs who know how to enjoy adventures and dazzling impressions will experience an exceptionally romantic and hot month.
Aries - throughout the month you'll attract the attention of the opposite sex with ease because you're feeling more confident after past successes. You'll have many opportunities for a fling but whether you take advantage of the chances before you depends entirely on you. If you're in a relationship, this attention will annoy your partner and cause quarrels.
Taurus - peace and harmony will reign between you and your partner until the end of February. You can count on your acumen because it will keep you away from unnecessary conflicts. If you are still looking for love, ask some of the people you know about whether they know someone suitable for you.
Gemini - February won't be a good month for the lonely members of this sign because there's no new love on the horizon. But what you can do is add some changes to your habits or appearance in your free time in order to help fate. People already in a relationship will enjoy a serene period.
Cancer - it'll be hard for you to find the romance you seek this month. Singles will have the opportunity for a new relationship only during the last days of the month. For non-singles, a period of compromises in the name of their partner lies in store, one that will strengthen their bonds.
Leo - your love life will experience changes in February as well. Singles will have fun at parties where they'll meet many suitors, among which they may come across their big love. Those in a relationship will have to face those trying to break them up.
Virgo - non-singles may find that the person by their side has turned into more of a friend than a lover. Even if you decide to end your relationship with this person, don't cut off all ties with them. Forget about insecurity if going out on dates.

Libra - you'll regret it if you begin testing your partner's feelings toward you. Look at your partner as a friend and seek advice for your anguish from them. This month, singles will have the chance to meet someone they've long been dreaming of.
Scorpio - this month will pass singles by without any serious relationship but they can expect more love in their life during spring. However, many new flings lie ahead that will end quickly. Non-singles will experience unexpected twists and turns.
Sagittarius - you'll have to be more restrained during February in order not to ruin your relationship with your partner. Don't believe any rumors, trust only your own judgement when it comes to your love life.
Capricorn - you'll enjoy high doses of romance with your partner this month. Relationships begun recently will face their first test, while singles will find their soul mate. You may come across a past love once more.
Aquarius - the month is suitable for finding something new to do with your partner. For those in a serious relationship it's time for a giant leap forward, in the form of engagement or wedding.
Pisces - singles will find a new and exciting person, one whom they can reveal all of their feelings to. Those in a relationship will also express their love, but through small gestures in this case, such as preparing a delicious dinner.