Beginning this Monday, Mercury leaves its retrograde phase and starts moving directly in Capricorn. This will bring to the fore the ambitions of power and control. The revelation of truths about which we were recently deceived is also coming up.
Aries - Stay far away from conflicts
Stay away from big conflicts until January 31. Even if you don't like someone's opinion and behavior, keep your thoughts to yourself. Be cautious in your communication with bosses and if your viewpoints don't match, try to make a compromise. It's important to keep your cool this week and not succumb to tension. During the weekend you'll have more time for a break which you can spend with your favorite people.

Taurus - You have the opportunity for career growth
Opportunities for career growth will open before you by the end of January and it all depends on you whether you'll take advantage of them. To upgrade to a better position you will have to compete with the rest of your coworkers. Don't be afraid to show your talents and prove your worth to your bosses. The week is also suitable for honing your skills by signing up for a language class.
Gemini - Misunderstandings vanish
This week you'll find how to take control in your own hands and overcome the hardships. During the past few weeks you may have felt powerless but now the circumstances won't affect you so strongly. Your relationships with others will reach a new level. Some of your friendships will become a thing of the past, while you get even closer to others. In the romantic aspect you need to smooth out all misunderstandings by carefully listening to your partner's opinion.
Cancer - Get things straight with your partner
This week try to get your relations completely straight with the person by your side. Whatever problems you may be avoiding, it's better to give them the due care because the lack of clarity is only getting in your way. Don't try to manipulate the people around you because even if they give in, it won't last long. You can take on more challenges and try to change some of your habits.
Leo - Don't take any sides in arguments and drama

You'll handle the hurdles before you if you organize better and carefully plan your actions before you act. To enjoy better results at work try to concentrate better. What's important this week is to maintain good communication with colleagues. Don't get caught up in drama or arguments. Don't concentrate too much on work-related tasks, instead focus on your beloved as well by bringing some type of change to your daily routine.
Virgo - Finish old tasks
Postpone the big changes you had planned this week and instead try to finish old tasks. You can set aside more time for your hobby this week. Also focus on your plans for the future. Think about what you'd like to happen to you by the end of this year and how you can make it so. Inspiration will be with you until the end of January. You can use it and be more active through creativity.
Libra - Get serious with work
Get to work and handle financial issues this week. You can take on new tasks at work, sign contracts and create new contacts, as these will be successful and lasting. Approach any new opportunities with seriousness and pragmatism and you'll soon enjoy excellent results. During the weekend you can visit relatives because your meetings with them charge you with positive emotions.
Scorpio - You'll have need of solitude
Try to spend the majority of your free time in solitude this week. Think again about your desires and needs, some of your insights may surprise you. Put your own opinion on a pedestal and don't let others influence you. Your feelings and intuition can show you the right way. The middle of the week is a suitable time for signing contracts and taking business trips.
Sagittarius - You have an opportunity for additional income
The week is suitable for creating beneficial contacts. You'll attract more money if you take up more tasks at work. Try to work with the other people around you. Be more patient and expect your efforts to quickly yield successes. Your financial difficulties will become a thing of the past, and besides working more you'll have the opportunity to get a loan. But before signing any contracts be sure to familiarize yourself well with the terms and conditions and postpone the actual signing for the end of the week.

Capricorn - An excellent week for your love life
The days until January 31 will be excellent for your love life. If you're in a relationship you'll have more time and desire to be with your partner and if you're single expect new adventures. Be more well-intentioned toward your new acquaintances and don't think that you'll protect yourself by being cold and distant. At work, seek the support of coworkers and don't burden yourself with tasks you can't handle on your own.
Aquarius - Apply your ideas
This week you will be brimming with ideas which you can try realizing, no matter how strange you might find them. Invest more enthusiasm in your plans and give yourself more freedom of expression. Also be prepared for many surprises, particularly from those close to you. By the end of January you'll have the opportunity to completely free yourself from the limitations and say goodbye to your insecurity and fears of the unknown.
Pisces - A ton of work up ahead
You'll be subjected to stress up until the end of the month and the big challenge before you will be to master yourself emotionally. You'll be up to your neck in assignments at work but despite this try to find time for a break. Try to get away from all the tension and dedicate your free time to only your favorite activities. In the coming days, be more social, meet up with friends and share your problems because you may receive advice that will bring you out of any tangled situations.