The week up until March 13 will be marked by the solar eclipse on March 9 - the most important astrological event for the entire month. It corresponds to the New Moon in Pisces and is a period of new beginnings.
Aries - Throw out everything useless
In the week of the solar eclipse, free yourself of everything old and unneeded in your life. These may include possessions you don't use but also relationships which have no future. By leaving everything you no longer use behind you'll have better opportunities for development. Make compromises with your partner until the end of the week, to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Taurus - Take stock of your friends
Review your friendships of the past few years. Think well about who you can trust and remove yourself from those who you suspect may betray you. Don't take on anything risky this week and combine your efforts with coworkers if you need assistance at work. This week you'll feel excellent in your role as a host and you can have people over.
Gemini - Support those close to you
Your imagination has unlocked itself in the past week and you can start doing more creative tasks. Steer clear of deceptions and maintain your common sense, without leaving yourself entirely over to fantasy. Throughout the week you'll have to prove to those close to you that they can trust you. Be a good listener and show sympathy toward their problems, even if you would like to focus more attention on yourself this week.
Cancer - Follow your intuition
Spend the beginning of the new week in the company of friends and coworkers. Visit a new and lively place after work and have fun. Follow your intuition throughout the entire week, for it will show you the path to your dreams. Be responsible and take care of work duties so you don't have problems with supervisors. Focus more on yourself during the weekend. In the days until March 13 you'll do an excellent job with any activities related to art.
Leo - Save your money and focus on work
Don't be too wasteful this week and don't spend excessively. Be cautious of any tempting offers you see because they could be fraudulent. Set limits for yourself briefly and concentrate on work. This will raise your confidence in the future and bring you successes. Trust your intuition and creative ideas this week so that you handle your responsibilities easier.
Virgo - Plan your obligations well

The week will be successful for you only if you plan your obligations well. Don't postpone anything, do the work that's expected of you. At the end of the week, your efforts will yield results and a new opportunity for professional growth may open up. Be more tactful when communicating so you don't hurt someone with rashly spoken words. Show patience and understanding toward others.
Libra - Be more diplomatic with your partner
This week you will also feel superb in the company of your close friends. If you have the need to charge up with positive energy, organize a get-together with friends. Your love life needs better balance in order to avoid problems. Be more diplomatic with your partner and clearly separate the problems at work from those in your relationship. During the 1st few days of the week you can make some changes in your home.
Scorpio - Be bold and take risks
You'll feel a powerful rush of impulsiveness and recklessness this week. Right at the start of the week, take advantage of the boldness that's accumulated and act without hesitation. Try each of the opportunities before you so that you find which one is most suitable. Your good ideas might not be noticed until March 13 but don't feel down over it because later you'll shine with your creative thought.
Sagittarius - Work with integrity
Despite all the hard work you've put in, this week you'll feel as though your efforts are going unnoticed and unappreciated. However, this does not mean you should be careless when it comes to your tasks, quite the contrary - work with integrity so you aren't fired. The week will be outstanding for your financial state and you can shop guilt-free. Find time for solitude as well, so that you briefly escape the tension.
Capricorn - Follow the rules at work
Be consistent and more innovative in your work undertakings so you do a more successful job. But this does not mean coming up with your own rules. You have to comply with the guidelines at work to avoid issues with bosses and coworkers. You have big dreams of success in your profession but they won't be realized this particular week. You may be underestimated but with greater patience you'll prove that you deserve your position.
Aquarius - Go toward your goals without hesitation

Believe in your dreams and don't let anyone instill doubts in you. This week, you can look at your goals from a new perspective. People will appear, whose pleasure it will be to help you realize what you've planned. Don't turn down the aid but also don't accept ideas that are not typical of your behavior and that you'd find difficult to carry out. Be more vigorous and patient and soon you'll receive what you desire.
Pisces - You'll be the center of attention
This week you'll be the center of attention and easily provoke the admiration of others. Just be careful not to let this attention make you complacent to the point where you take pride in things you've not yet done. If you have the opportunity to be a leader, make use of it. By showing that you can manage things you'll earn quite a few bonuses at work.