This Monday, the New Moon phase entered the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Mercury began its movement across the air sign this Sunday, while a trine formed between Venus and Jupiter, giving the earth signs a breath of fresh air.
Aries - You'll be rewarded at work
This week will be excellent for you in the professional aspect. It's time to start up those projects you've long been planning. Those of you who have been more diligent in your work will receive their deserved reward in the days until February 14. You may receive a raise or begin work at a better position. Spend your free time with friends and be more tolerant in your communication with new people.

Taurus - Don't ignore your problems
Be initiative in solving your problems so they don't get worse as the week progresses. Whatever's bothering you, face it directly upfront in order to spare yourself the anxieties and nervous tension that would result if you ignore the problem. You need to be open and share your thoughts, regardless if they have to do with work or personal relationships. You can expect good news or to meet someone new during the weekend.
Gemini - You'll feel more cheerful than usual
Use the influx of energy this week to realize your ideas. Both your mood and the way you look at things will be more upbeat this week, which means you can more boldly begin work toward your goals. But don't ignore your daily obligations either, organize yourself well see you can meet all the necessary deadlines. Conversation and the search for information will benefit you. The opportunity for something new will also appear this week but it depends entirely on you whether you'll take advantage of it.
Cancer - Be with friends more often
You'll have a strong need of social contacts this week and therefore you'll spend more time with friends. You can also spice up your social life by meeting new people. Get out of the routine of daily life and try to live a bit more differently and dynamically this week. Even if something unforeseen happens, don't resist it, instead take a risk. This could be the change you've long been waiting for and it may bring you advantageous opportunities.
Leo - You're ready for dramatic changes
Follow your nonstandard ideas this week and you'll find many new friends. In the days leading up to February 14, you'll form many new contacts with people that will help you tremendously in the future. You feel more courageous than usual and this will incite you to change your familiar routine. You may even come to an important decision, such as quitting their current job. If this is your true desire, do it. Those feeling lonely will meet a new partner this week, while non-singles will experience a tense week of arguments.
Virgo - Be more daring and driven
Fate will present you many opportunities for professional successes but they won't be realized if you're passive. Be more daring and initiative when it comes to work assignments and don't worry about whether you will or won't be able to handle the challenges. No one can give you a guarantee that you'll be flawless in all fields but nothing is stopping you from trying. This week you may start a new job. The time period is suitable for yoga and meditation.
Libra - Your dreams begin to come true

This is a week of turning points for you and only in the positive sense. You will receive the sought-after benefits. But don't expect to laze around for days and have the big rewards served up on a platter. You need to be more proactive and put in efforts to make your dreams come true. You may also make a sacrifice in order to move forward - in the form of money, security or the disapproval of loved ones. Believe in yourself and work toward a goal; the results won't be long in the coming.
Scorpio - A dynamic week ahead
Your daily routine will be quite dynamic this week. The days are suitable for new beginnings but in order for your projects to be successful, seek the cooperation of the people around you. Contracts and obligations you've taken up will bring you decent income. Be courageous and seek new frontiers for development. Experimentation will bring the changes you seek. Spend your free time with your sweetheart because they too have need your attention.
Sagittarius - You have the opportunity to learn new things
This week, your everyday problems will be left in the past and you'll handle work tasks with greater ease. You are given the chance to get out of your routine and take on new projects that will motivate you more. New perspectives for learning new things and mastering new skills also appear. This week you will meet a ton of interesting people that will give you many ideas and inspiration.
Capricorn - A suitable week for dealing with financial issues
In the days until February 14 you'll be dealing primarily with financial issues. You may need a serious investment to start a new project. The week is suitable for getting a loan and signing contracts by which you will receive money. Don't be apprehensive about taking risks, just do everything possible to realize your goal. Events will develop to your benefit, even though you're feeling slightly anxious at the start. Spend more time with loved ones during the weekend.
Aquarius - Plan the future

Avoid drastic actions this week, dedicate your time to planning the future instead. Find some time to be by yourself and think about the biggest wishes you would like to come true by the end of the year. Outline your priorities clearly and put a definitive end to whatever's encumbering you. However, you must be the only person to make the decisions. You can meet up with friends during the weekend and have fun.
Pisces - Do something creative
The week is suitable for creative activities. Draw, write and express yourself through art in order to bring some diversity to your daily life. Your creativity will put you in a more positive mood and you won't worry so much about everyday problems. The week is also ideal for saying goodbye to past events or people, who have brought you only sorrow. Set your sights on something new and different.