The 1st period of retrograde Mercury begins January 5th and will continue until January 25th. This time, the smallest planet in our Solar System will be in retrograde through the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn.
Aries - A hectic week with lots to get done
A heap of tasks will fall upon your shoulders during the first week of 2016. Even though you have a great desire to take on everything at once, it's not recommended that you do because it's likely that you'll miss an important detail in some of your projects or focus too much on work, causing your personal and social life to suffer.

Direct your attention and energy only at the important tasks, postpone the rest. The week will be hectic and you may expose your furious side more frequently. Also be cautious when it comes to your finances in the period of retrograde Mercury - don't invest and don't make any large-scale purchases.
Taurus - Peace at work and conflicts with loved ones
The days until January 10 are suitable for traveling abroad. You can also plan your expenses until the end of the month so you don't end up penniless before payday. The atmosphere at the workplace will be a peaceful one. Work only in fields in which you feel confident and avoid risks. Problems in your relationships with loved ones and your partner are expected this week. Conflicts will erupt more often due to lack of understanding and nonacceptance of the other's viewpoint.
Gemini - An old love reappears on the horizon
Worries will dog you the whole week until January 10. Even though you'll try to hide your anxieties from those surrounding you, the more tense atmosphere will affect you. Try to alternate between work and rest so that you remain stable. The retrograde Mercury beginning January 5 may bring back a former love or old problems back into the current relationship, a sort of test for your mutual love. Don't take on anything new and try to keep your word.
Cancer - Payoff at work is coming this week
This week you will reap the fruits of your labor professionally. Those who have worked more will be rewarded, while those who have not been as serious will be facing great hardships. Pay off your debts and don't make large-scale purchases until January 25. Your love relationship will be your main focus in the next few days and it is possible that your emotions could drive you to make hasty conclusions, which may hurt your relationship. Try to be more calm and avoid accusations and criticism.
Leo - Stay away from people wishing you ill
You'll face serious problems at work which you must not ignore. The obstacles before you won't vanish quickly but with a little more patience and rationality you'll manage to find the right way out. Don't rely on the information you receive. There is a danger of you becoming a victim of drama and gossip before January 25. Lots of adventures await you on the love front but individuals in a serious relationship need to be more cautious and watch out for people wishing them ill.

Virgo - Give in to hobbies and rest
This week you'll have a strong desire to care for loved ones but you must also not ignore your personal peace of mind. Find time for the things that give you pleasure. The problems at work will be resolved with more patience and sound judgement. Strive to meet the deadlines of assignments you've already taken up but don't overburden yourself excessively. Focus primarily on your hobby and other fun activities.
Libra - Resolve your problems with initiative and intuition
You will need to resolve old problems at work or in your financial dealings, without putting them off any longer. Don't wait for the problems to work themselves out, instead take action. If you need additional income, look for a new way to earn money. Avoid hesitation and trust your intuition to make the best possible decision. Stay away from gambling and get-rich-quick schemes.
Scorpio - Forget about whatever's holding you back
There will be no shortage of annoyances this week but you must ignore them and do your work, without paying too much mind to the murmuring behind your back. Be patient and invest all of your energy at work in order to achieve positive results. The challenge before you is to leave the past behind. This may pertain to love, a friend, work projects or a model of behavior you adhere to but one which also holds you back. Forget about your old obsessions, no matter how difficult this may seem, in order to make your life easier.
Sagittarius - Cut off all ties with people you dislike
In the days leading up to January 10 you'll come to the realization that you're still keeping in touch with people you can't stand anymore. This week you'll have the perfect opportunity to put an end to these relationships. Also take responsibility for these types of problems. Pay off your debts and don't ask for or give any loans during the period of retrograde Mercury so you don't cause yourself unnecessary headaches. Find time to relax with a massage or take a break to watch a good movie.
Capricorn - Love issues will keep you occupied all week
Start your big plans for the year this week and get rid of everything old, no matter if talking about belongings or relationships with certain people. Many new opportunities will appear before you but you may come across past problems or a past love. The week is suitable for a new love adventure but you must maintain your sober judgement and not succumb to illusions. The new thrills will provide you with more energy and enthusiasm to fulfill your goals.
Aquarius - You'll cut off ties with some friends

The week will be hectic, while the powerful emotions will affect your health. Rest more by exercising, doing yoga, meditation or by reading books to tone down the nervous tension. Try to be more relaxed and if you're the creative type, do something artistic. Friendships will be subjected to severe jolts. You may no longer enjoy the company of an individual from your friends' circle or discover that you no longer have shared interests. When you have nothing to talk about with a given person it's best to cut off all ties with them.
Pisces - Put an end to all your illusions and do something about your future
This week you'll need to bid your farewell to certain dreams of yours, as they are too unrealistic and you have neither the means, nor the capabilities to realize them. Put your fate in your own hands and stop blaming others for your inadequate development. Don't let others decide for you, be the one to take control over your own future. Despite the emotional dynamics, try to retain your sound judgement in order to draw out the most accurate conclusions about what's occurring.