It's once again time to say farewell to the old year and bring in the new year, and this time it is the Year of the Pig. It comes with its own hopes, predictions, challenges and successes.
What kind of successes will the Year of the Pig bring? Some of the most important kinds - people will grow closer, both physically and emotionally.
Thanks to the arrangement and balance between the planets, conflicts will not be as articulated and confrontations will take a back seat. Of course, everything depends on the person, so don't be surprised if you find yourself dragged into an argument. Peace needs to be desired by both sides.
The new year will be one of beneficial opportunities and luck, so everyone with bad luck can relax, things will change for the better! There's a growing desire for trying new things, creative activities, making bold decisions.
2019 will be suitable for renovations, buying a new home and starting with a clean slate. In the spiritual aspect - for forgiveness and clearing up relations. Creativity will come to the fore, therefore innovations will be most expected.
Further, all those striving for their personal balance but are hesitating will be able to lay its foundations; the year promises successes for them. The Year of the Pig aids in achieving effective results in all aspects, even with minimal efforts.

Besides for a new home, the year will be favorable for starting a family. Serious relations between couples will yield successes.
Of course, not everything can be smooth, but if there are health problems or injuries, they're predicted not to be serious and usually caused by neglect, so don't overlook your health. What you do have to be careful with is who you trust. Trust may turn out to be your weakness, so keep that in mind.
Overall we're in for a fruitful and lucky year. Creativity will inspire everything and everyone in its path. Bank on it, regardless of where it's directed. Be cautious and invest the required work and efforts where you'd like to achieve successes.