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King of RatsKing of Rats
07 Jan.
In fact, the king of the rats were several rats that have grown into one, by their tails. In "The Nutcracker" Hoffman, king of rats, was with three heads....
What Does it Mean if You Dream of Mice and Rats?What Does it Mean if You Dream of Mice and Rats?
08 Jan.
If you are surrounded by rats in your dream, there is a risk that your partner will cheat on you....
The Most Brutal Types of Torture Ever CreatedThe Most Brutal Types of Torture Ever Created
03 Aug.
Torture with Rats Another favorite method of torture by the Spanish Inquisition was torture with rats. A cage was placed on the victim's body, with the only opening being right up against their stomach....
Proven - We Yawn to Cool Our BrainProven - We Yawn to Cool Our Brain
25 Aug.
The rats stopped yawning once the temperature normalized. Stress and fatigue are the most common reasons for a rise in brain temperature, while yawning helps it to cool off....
Animals in our Dreams Bear an Important Message! Find out WhatAnimals in our Dreams Bear an Important Message! Find out What
19 Sept.
If you're afraid of rats in real life, your greatest fear is likely being left money-less and having to live in destitution....
Anomalies and paradoxes after the Chernobyl accidentAnomalies and paradoxes after the Chernobyl accident
25 Dec.
Now scientists in Russia are holding animals with deformities, a boar with two heads, a cow with 6 legs, giant rats and other animals that have degenerated....
The Craziest Scientists and Their Horrifying ExperimentsThe Craziest Scientists and Their Horrifying Experiments
11 Apr.
Sanjiv Talwar, working at the State University of New York, presented a technology he developed for the remote control of rats. With it, he was able to make the rodents run, jump, stop and feel pleasure....
Why Do Bulls Charge When They See the Color Red?Why Do Bulls Charge When They See the Color Red?
29 Oct.
In fact, similar to rats, hippos, owls and anteaters, bulls are color blind. What infuriates them in the arena is the noise of the crowd and the cape that matadors taunt them with....
Paranormal abilities of animalsParanormal abilities of animals
03 Nov.
One old saying is that rats leave a sinking ship and this is true. Some pets have a presentiment of an earthquake, long before its earliest manifestations....
Sleep Cleanses the Body of ToxinsSleep Cleanses the Body of Toxins
04 Feb.
But studies of various animals - lab mice, rats, monkeys and dogs, have revealed that the process of bodily cleansing of toxins works flawlessly for them when they sleep....
Horrors of Insane Asylums in the PastHorrors of Insane Asylums in the Past
11 May
In the past there were severe misconceptions regarding medicine and treatment, while the most commonly used "lab rats" in this field were people with mental disabilities....
Superstitions about CuckoosSuperstitions about Cuckoos
20 Apr.
However, the human race was aware that it was these strange birds that saved them to a great extent from the raids of mice and rats, which were able to destroy their entire crop....
Here's What Will Happen if Earth's Human Population DoublesHere's What Will Happen if Earth's Human Population Doubles
09 Nov.
There will be trash everywhere and the more people, the more rats we'll see. We will witness a reemergence of rare diseases - cholera, typhoid fever. Only 3% of Earth's water is suitable for use....