»Choosen Collections»Articles on Mermaids
Mermaids - Myth or Reality?
The English newspaper Daily Telegraph ran an article in 1886 about 2 fishermen, who saw a mermaid that swam underneath their boat....
Mermaids - myth or reality?The fishermen also swore by his words saying "May god punish me if I lie and allow me not to earn one shilling"
A little mermaid has also been...
It is a little crazy at the little Israeli town of Mermaids
The city hall promises to reward the one who provides evidence of these mermaids in form of a irrefutable photograph with 1 million U.S.A Dollars!...
Divination on your birthday
The future can be made clear if you try to look at it on your birthday. On this day, with the help of cards, you will find what lies ahead....
Tyrannosaurus Rex Fed On Babies
The British paleontologist David Hown and his colleagues have discovered that T-rex preferred to feed on defenseless babies, rather than provoking...
The world relies on numbers
And if only one of these variables changed, according to physicists the world would not have appeared....
Mythology: gorgons forever on 21
Only the most terrible of the three, Medusa, had no chance to live forever. The Gorgon ceased to change on the 21st year....
Mega ocean existed on Mars
For the first time a system of valleys on Mars was discovered in 1970.
Currently, scientists disagree on two thesis....
On the Road to Success
We see it in magazines, in newspaper articles and advertisements, even in the performance of characters from our favorite TV shows....
NASA: We've Found Liquid Water on Mars, Life on the Planet is Possible
NASA scientists say that for several years they've suspected the presence of water on the nearby planet....
Mysterious Base Photographed on the Moon
On the bottom of the Copernicus crater, a strange structure in the form of a triangle can be seen, placed on the lunar surface....
Meaning of Moles on the FaceAll this can only serve as a guide and can not be considered a final judgment on anyone....
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