Physiognomy is an ancient science, which scientists believe originated from China and subsequently spread to the rest of the world. It serves as a way to determine human character based on facial features.
The eyes and eyebrows are of utmost importance for reading a person correctly. The eyes carry information about the character, thoughts, attitude and relation toward others.
Almond-shaped eyes
Experts claim that almond-shaped eyes bespeak of a wide breadth of mind. Individuals with such eyes accept others with all of their strong points and faults. Metaphorically speaking, their eyes allow them to see more than others. The more elongated they are, the more open-minded their owner is. They design grandiose plans which they usually realize.
Close set eyes
Eyes that are close to each other indicate a closed type of character. Persons with such eyes have a hard time making contact with others but they would go through hell for their friends. They're extraordinarily devoted but feel lonely very often. It is difficult to communicate with them because they're constantly worried about what you might think. But when you prove yourself worthy of their love, they will repay you with faithfulness until their dying day.

Sunken eyes
The character of a person with sunken eyes is in no way tedious. This persona is secretive, careful but not frightful in any way. They are distinguished by their temperament, innate suspicion and primal sensuality. If you get them on your bad side, they become a dangerous foe, so it's better not to upset them.
Far set eyes
Far set eyes belong to mysterious types of people. They get into relationships easily and get out of them even easier, or in other words, are not very consistent in them. They don't care to uphold honor and the given word. The same applies for feelings. They have perfected the art of fooling others. They can love passionately but only when they decide it.
Large and round eyes
Large and round eyes tell of huge optimists that enjoy life. They are very easy to communicate with and there's no need to worry about any shrouded motives because they say whatever's on their mind.
They accept things as they are and strive to achieve the best that they can. That is why they make their pile at a young age. Often, though, they waste it because their hidden passions are gambling and other types of fun.