The Year of the Fire Monkey will bring you opportunities for development and positive changes but be careful not to ruin your chances by putting off important work or putting too much trust in people that don't deserve it.
Be careful when it comes to your huge imagination and try to keep your fantasy within limits. If you don't, you'll find out the hard way that some of your illusions were just too grand.
Don't trust just anyone, only those friends who have proven themselves over the years. The chances of you being fooled by seemingly kind gestures are high.
You need better organization in your tasks, as well as responsibility. Don't ignore your projects and don't postpone them because you may miss excellent opportunities for finishing them off more successfully.
This is no time for a break at work or at school. Set aside plenty of time and attention for your projects in these fields and try to finish them by the end of this year at all costs.
You're going to face huge obstacles throughout the year but everything will work out in your favor through your use of persistence and more effort. Don't rely on luck and random chance, instead try to achieve the happy ending to your plans through your own struggles.
You need to be very careful in the months of January, May, July and September because it's possible for scammers to emerge, who want to take advantage of you. Be cautious with whom you speak and what you share.

You'll handle things at work only if you're flexible enough. Don't try to make plans ahead of time because changes will be sudden and will test your creativity and adaptability.
Work with extreme caution and attention to details, in order to avoid making serious mistakes. Every distraction will be punished severely. Even though the chaos won't be to your taste, the changes are giving you the opportunity for a great leap forward.
The first half of the year will be marked by enormous conflicts for non-singles. The old problems will once again come to the forefront and if you're not united enough, misunderstandings will prevail and a breakup is possible.
Conflicts will erupt mainly because of money or problems at work for one of the partners.
Those feeling lonely, who wish to find a new partner, will have to change their way of life. A good period for this is from the beginning of March until the end of summer. Forget about looking for the perfect partner and start to make compromises - this way you'll attract a romantic partner to your life.