Throughout the entire Year of the Fire Monkey, you'll be busy looking for new surroundings. A change of profession, love partners and place of residence will be normal for you in 2016.
Your impulsiveness will be stronger than usual and you'll succumb entirely to momentary desires. Your intuition will also be working at full steam - it would be wise to listen to it during times of hesitation.
In 2016 you'll have the opportunity to realize a great many of your ambitions and at the same time continue to receive support from those close to you. A person you've ignored until recently may turn out to be a valuable partner this year.
Try not to become the nuisance in the group with your never-ending desire to socialize. It would be best to spare tirades to others and share your opinion only if they ask for it.
Defend your arguments only by using facts and before you make any big promises, think about whether you can really keep them. Your word will be put to the test this year.

Your most successful months will be February and November, when harmony reigns in your family relationships, while your material and financial status improves significantly.
You have the opportunity to prove yourself on the professional level but you'll have to be more decisive in order to impress your bosses.
The summer months will present you with a serious choice that affects your future at your current workplace. Weigh all the pros and cons before you make a final decision.
During spring you'll have to restrain your emotional reactions so you don't mar your reputation. Don't take up new tasks, try to maintain what you've already achieved.
If you're married or in a serious relationship, this year you'll have to pay more attention to your partner so you don't have regrets later. At the beginning of the year, clear up all misunderstandings between you through more sincerity.
Problems related to money or work may spill over into your love relations. Conflicts will be worse in May, July and December, when it'll be difficult to find a compromise.
Singles must avoid serious relationships at all costs this year as well. Flirts and flings will come and go, one after the other, but you won't give up your independence for neither of them.