»Dream Dictionary»Dream of String Beans
StringTo dream of a string of pearls, means you have an unrequited love.......
StringTo dream you see or use string , suggests that you take lengthy discussions, you will pray for a prideful person or a.....
StringTo dream of string cut short, means you are a love - disappointment.......
BeansTo dream you pick, eat and cook beans , suggests there is trouble waiting in the family and problems with older relativ...
BeansTo dream of canned beans , predicts that you are saving the family budget.......
StrongIf you see someone strong in your dreams, you will feel weak and helpless in a simple situation and will not dare to.....
StringsTo dream that you change a string on a musical instrument, suggests that you will have a new love affair.......
BearsIf a bear eats in your sleep, you will take care of your family.......
BeadsIf you see beads in your dream, you'll be deceived or cheated in love.......
Green beansTo dream of green beans , means you will lose a large sum of money.......
StrikeTo dream of a strike against you, means you will be afraid of competition.......
StripeDreaming of stripes, predicts strife or frustration. Dreaming of stripes of a military source, foretells a spl...
StrifeDreaming of strife , means you will understand your partners or your neighbors.......
StriveTo dream that you strive for something, means that in reality you will be disappointed by your successes.......
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