Vastu Shastra is the Indian art of harmonizing one's environment. It is part Vedic knowledge with a millennia-old history.
It is based on the harmony of creation expressed in the influence of the Sun, Moon and time cycles on human physiology and consciousness.
In literal translation, "Vastu" means dwelling, while "Shastra" means science. In this sense, Vastu Shastra can be interpreted as the science of building a dwelling. In certain aspects, the Indian science is similar to Feng shui, while some hypothesize that Vastu Shastra is the predecessor to this Eastern art.
The main goal is achieving harmony between man and his surrounding environment. According to the teachings of Vastu Shastra, the surrounding environment can send positive or negative energy, which affects the fate of a person.

That is why they must organize the space around them so that everything is symmetrical, aesthetic and beautiful. This will allow a person to gain the most from it.
The elements of Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra teaches that the Earth is a living organism that exists in the right way thanks to 5 key elements - air, space, fire, water and earth. Man needs to adjust to these elements.
Plainly stated, space allows the other 4 elements room to flourish. Air is responsible for air pressure and currents, as well as humidity levels. Water directs the seas, rivers and rain.
Fire is the element which symbolizes the transition between night and day, energy and vitality. The earth element is responsible for the changing of the seasons and the magnetic field. Whenever a person organizes their space, they need to arrange it in a way while keeping in mind the five elements of Vastu Shastra.

The elements of Vastu Shastra are not subject to man's control but one can use them maximally to gain the benefits they offer.
Vastu Shastra for the home
If you want to live in harmony with Vastu Shastra:
- Do not keep cactuses in your home;
- All doors in your home need to open outward from the room;
- Their hinges must not make any noise;
- The main entrance to the home needs to face west;
- If you have trees in your backyard, be careful - their shade must never fall on the house;
- The bedroom needs to be located in the southwest part of the house and it is advised for the room itself to be rectangular. Avoid paintings that portray sadness or violence;
- The perfect place for the bathroom is north or northwest;
- The kitchen of happiness is in the southeastern part, an alternative is considered to be the northwest;
- The kitchen must not be in the southwest part of the home under any circumstances;
- The kitchen table needs to have an even number of chairs.