»Articles»Mysteries»And the ancient scientists have had prophetic dreams

And the ancient scientists have had prophetic dreams

And the ancient scientists have had prophetic dreams

There are sources that indicate that many ancient scientists and philosophers have recognized a number of prophetic dreams. Here are some examples of them.

Dante Alighieri, wrote his "Divine Comedy" on the basis of sleep, during the year 1300. When he died in the year of 1321 a part of the script was lost. A little later his son found the lost part, as he dreamed a dream of how his father shows him where it is located.

Nicholas Flamel, a French alchemist in the 14th century, dreamed one night that he is an angel. A heavenly messenger told him the following words: "Look good at this book'', Nicholas, Initially did not understand anything of it and neither did any other person.

One day he saw in it what no one else could see. After a while, when working in the bookshop, a beggar approached him who wanted to sell him the very old book that proved the same as that of what was in his dream. For twenty one years he tried to decipher the writing in the book, it was full with a mixture of different languages, figures and diagrams with ancient wisdom. It has traveled across different countries, and questioned many people. Thanks to the estimated texts, Nicholas Flamel, discovered the life of elixir. He built dozens of churches and hospitals. Glorified as one of the greatest alchemists of all times.

Mendeleev invented the famous Mendeleev's Table in his dream. One evening in 1869, after long hours spent in reflection, he falls asleep. Later in the night he saw a table I his dream, on the table were all the items placed in their places.

At least two cases are known where the American prophet, Edgar Cayce was asked to interpret conscious dreams. Casey was called the "sleeping prophet" because he is responsible for various issues regarding the state of sleep for example, he gave a method for healing known as the divination law.

Many composers, including Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner and Tartini have relied on dreams as a source of inspiration. Sting's song "The Dream of the Blue Pigeon" is also inspired by a dream. The famous Beatles song "Yesterday" was thought of Paul McCartney in his dream in 1965.
