

Looking for information on Perigee? Check out our latest articles on Perigee.
Moon Closest to Earth this SaturdayMoon Closest to Earth this Saturday
They prefer using the scientific term: lunar perigee. The perigee is the nearest point to Earth that the Moon reaches along its elliptical orbit....
Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Visible on the 28thSupermoon Lunar Eclipse Visible on the 28th
The moon can drift 252 028 mi (405 600 km) away from the Earth, while during its perigee phase it comes to a distance of 225 993 mi (363 700 km) from it....
Super Blue Blood-Moon to Shine on January 31Super Blue Blood-Moon to Shine on January 31
On January 31, we'll be able to witness a blue moon, which just like the wolf moon at the beginning of the month will occur during the moon's perigee....