»Articles»Greek Mythology

An inseparable part of Ancient Greek mythology are the Greek Muses.
These are the 9 goddesses who embody the arts and inspire creativity with their grace through song, acting, literary gifts, music and dance....

In ancient Greek mythology, the Fleece was the golden wool of the ram....

Proof of the Minoan civilization's strong influence over the peoples inhabiting the continental part of Greece are the legends about Crete seen in mythology....

In Greek mythology, some of the gods – such as Aphrodite - travel on dolphins. According to the ancient Greeks, the god of wine Dionysus was fond of turning drunken sailors into dolphins....

Greek mythology and ancient Greece have sparked interest for ages. This interest won't stop, since the myths and legends continue to entice young and old alike....

In later Greek mythology she is sometimes described as a beautiful woman. Anyone who looks her directly in the eyes turns to stone immediately....

Numerous poets and historians of ancient Greece expressed their shock of the Thracians. Interestingly, a majority of the singers, musicians and artists in Greek mythology were born in Thrace....

It, in turn, is named after the famous hero from Ancient Greek mythology.
The famed Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danaë (daughter of king Acrisius)....

Here's what mythology says about this inhabitant of ancient Greece....

Gorgons are one of the most hideous and bloodthirsty creatures in Greek mythology.
Euryale, Gorgon and Medusa were possessed bodies, instead of having hair on their heads had nests with snakes....

Achaemenus is a mythical figure as he is believed to be the son of the ancient Greek hero Perseus, known from mythology for slaying the mythical monster the Gorgon Medusa....

), to the golden apples of the giant Thiazi in the Norse sagas, to ambrosia in Greek mythology....

This is perhaps the most tragic heroic figure in Greek mythology.
Among the famous Greek myths is that of Odysseus, which is told at length in Omir's Odyssey....

Saturn corresponds to the Greek god Cronus and Roman mythology held that during his reign there was equality, abundance and peace on the Earth....

Doctors from the hospital in El Senbellawein call this unusual phenomenon cyclopia - a rare condition, earning its name from the cyclopes of Greek mythology, thought for centuries to be nothing but fantasy....

It's then no surprise that the 3-headed mastiff, known as Cerberus, guarded the entrance to the underworld in Greek mythology.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is an ancient dog breed linked to Buddhist mythology....