»Articles»Greek Goddesses

Hera is one of the most powerful and fair goddesses - she is thought to have no equal in ancient Greek mythology....

According to some other versions Elena is given by the Greek goddess Nemesis and not the daughter of the Greek God Zeus and Leda....

It was on its very back that Phrixus and Helle, the children of the Athamas, king of Boiotia, and Nephele (goddess of clouds), escaped from their stepmother Ino across the sea....

It tells of the goddess Nefela, who became the wife of a mortal king and bore him children - Friks and Hella.
The king tired of the goddess, and he took a new wife, who tried to kill the children....

An inseparable part of Ancient Greek mythology are the Greek Muses.
These are the 9 goddesses who embody the arts and inspire creativity with their grace through song, acting, literary gifts, music and dance....

Only one thing remained the same - for the Greeks she was the "Virgin Goddess"....

The Greek historian Herodotus described the huge temple dedicated to Bastet, where cats were hunted....

Palladium is named after Greek goddesses Pallas. Its valuable properties are used in the automotive industry....

Only the goddess Demeter, who was drowning in sorrow over her daughter Persephone, unwillingly ate the shoulder of the boy....

In Ancient Greece, beech was dedicated to the mother of Zeus - Rhea. In the Near East it is considered the holy tree of the goddess Cybele. In both cultures it symbolizes immortality and prosperity....

Heliotrope is the stone of the mother-goddess and as such takes care of resolving misunderstandings or difficulties dealing with motherhood....

The legend goes that it was Norwegian Forest cats who pulled the chariot of the Norwegian goddess of love and beauty - Freyja....

The famous Phaistos Disc, a document of inscription text of an usual kind, looks to have finally been deciphered by scientists from the Technological Educational Institute of Crete in Greece.

The ancient Greek city of Epidaurus was also renowned for having an extraordinary fountain, devoted to the goddess Ino. Citizens would try to earn her blessing by placing specially prepared food in its waters....

The device is called Rao Tethys, named after the Ancient Greek goddess of water, and uses carbon nanotubes to detect the presence of lead. The results are sent minutes later to a phone via a mobile app....

Just like the authors of the Gaia hypothesis named it after the ancient Greek Mother Goddess, Ward also chose a name from ancient Greek mythology. The paleontologist picked Medea for the name of his hypothesis....