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Unsolved coded messages

Unsolved coded messages

People have used code for centuries to transmit secret information. With the advent of the Internet creating and deciphering codes became an industry.

But there are codes that can not be deciphered, even by the best specialists in this field. These include the captions Phaistos disc. It is believed that the hieroglyphics on the Phaistos disc belong to the Minoan civilization of Crete.

Phaistos disc has clay characters appearing on both sides in the form of spirals, found in 1908. Experts have identified forty-five different characters. As yet, there is no clear text on the disk.

Linear A script is a variation of the island of Crete. It has evolved from the Cretan hieroglyphs, but later was replaced by Linear B, decoding of Michael Ventris, in 1952. This script was used by the Mycenaean Greeks. Linear A is only partially decoded.

Nobody still can decode the code on the Kriptos sculpture - it belongs to the American artist James Sanbarn, and is located in the office of the CIA in Langley, Virginia.

It is encoded text, divided into four sections. So far experts have dealt with only three sections. Fourth section still remains a mystery.

The seven Chinese gold bars given in 1933 by General Van Shanghai were etched with drawings and Latin letters is a cryptogram. It is believed that this could have U.S. bank certificates.

The cryptogram of Bale is also among the unresolved codes. In the twenties of the nineteenth century, an American named Bale buried in the ground in the county two wagons of the Bedford treasures.

The cryptograms, named in his honor, have three encoded messages, which probably indicate the location of the treasure. Specialists have already unlocked the first message, whereby underground are several tons of gold and silver.

Voynich manuscript is a manuscript, five hundred years old. It consists of 240 pages with illustrations of unknown plants, herbal remedies, astrological charts and captions in a language unknown to anyone.

Dorabella code was invented by the composer Edward Elgar. The code is a letter from eighty-seven signs that the composer in 1897 sent her friend Dora Penny. Unfortunately she did not understand the importance of the signs, and specialists to this day can not understand its meaning.

Chaos shrift was invented by John Byrne in 1918. The creator tried unsuccessfully to interest the U.S. government for forty years. Only last year, experts have started decoding it.

The D'Agapeyaf, by an English cartographer of Russian origin is still not solved. It was founded in the thirties of the twentieth century, and has not yet been decyphered.

Taman Shud code, discovered in 1948, has not yet been solved. This year in Australia, on the beach Samartan, a body of a man was found without papers.

After his suitcase was opened, pants with a secret pocket was found, in which was a sheet of paper. On it was written Taman Shud. On the back, the book had five lines with unknown characters, which have not yet been revealed.



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05.11.2014 20:26
Διαβάστε ό, τι νεώτερο για τον Γραπτό Ανθρώπινο Λόγο!
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