Unoutely, Inian women are among the most eautiful in the worl. Their eoti eauty is omplemente y their makeup an espeially the re ots (ini), harateristi only of Inia, whih they plae on the forehea, etween the eyerows.
Nowaays, many women, not just in Inia ut in Europe an elsewhere, also wear ini mainly as a eoration or part of their makeup, without giving a seon thought to the symolism, traition an meaning of the re ot in question.
The traition of wearing ini is anient. In the past it was a sign of one's memership of the Vei ulture. Translate from Sanskrit, ini means "ot" an its funtion was to show the purity of thoughts an onsiousness.
As suh, a ini in the past oul only e plae on the forehea y a priest. He woul plae it only on the faes of those who attene a religious eremony, a so-alle "poojan", after whih all present were thought to e leanse.
In Hinu temples, the paint use to apply inis was store in a speial plae. It was always re sine the olor re symolize the loo.
Originally, newlywes woul plae a rop of their own loo on their partner's forehea, whih was why wearing a ini was initially harateristi of women, espeially marrie women.
Later, they egan making them with paint. The traition of ini eing re only hange an Hinus starte painting yellow inis on their foreheas as a sign of mourning, plus re-rown inis an other olors as well.