»True Stories»Dreams»Тrex, peach tree, flying large wheeled bicycle, fire flies, flying ships
Тrex, peach tree, flying large wheeled bicycle, fire flies, flying ships
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As a child of the age of four to eight years of age at least once a week if not more I would have the same dream it would always started me walking out of my house and looking up the hill at my neighbors manor
Аnd beside it there was a t rex grazing on peaches from and old tree as you walk closer to the dinosaur you see a bicycle racks where Victorian dressed gentlemen would have drive large wheeled bicycles with myself riding on the backseat as the bike would begin to rise in the air and would fly up to a old Viking ship both were kept afloat by fireflies.... we would enter the ship....
then I always woke up after that.... I never understood why I had this dream all the time... and when I was four years old I had never seen movies like jaurassic park, et, or peter pan to influence these dreams...
at the time the only tapes I had was sesame street, fragile rock,snow white,and that's really it... I really don't know where this stuff came from
Аnd beside it there was a t rex grazing on peaches from and old tree as you walk closer to the dinosaur you see a bicycle racks where Victorian dressed gentlemen would have drive large wheeled bicycles with myself riding on the backseat as the bike would begin to rise in the air and would fly up to a old Viking ship both were kept afloat by fireflies.... we would enter the ship....
then I always woke up after that.... I never understood why I had this dream all the time... and when I was four years old I had never seen movies like jaurassic park, et, or peter pan to influence these dreams...
at the time the only tapes I had was sesame street, fragile rock,snow white,and that's really it... I really don't know where this stuff came from
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