I Dreamed of the Devil and Jesus in the Same Dream
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Last night I had a dream about the Devil, he had large horns, as is often depicted. The strange thing was that I was lying in bed with my aunt and we were talking, when all of a sudden the Devil appeared, and kept disappearing and reappearing. Was she the Devil or had he taken on her image to appear before me? Unfortunately I remember just a small part of the dream... then I dreamed of a picture of Jesus or God?
I don't remember what I thought in the dream... it was a man with a medium long beard, long, dark hair... I use the term picture because it wasn't the typical icon with a shining halo and so on. How do I interpret this? This is the first time I've dreamed of the Devil and Jesus in the same dream. I have dreamed of them before but never in the same dream.
I don't remember what I thought in the dream... it was a man with a medium long beard, long, dark hair... I use the term picture because it wasn't the typical icon with a shining halo and so on. How do I interpret this? This is the first time I've dreamed of the Devil and Jesus in the same dream. I have dreamed of them before but never in the same dream.
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