Every day, in different parts of the world, mother nature shows us that she is not to be underestimated. Earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, volcano eruptions and other disasters wreak havoc on human society and the natural world. Regardless of global climate change, cataclysms always have and will occur.
Fresh examples of severe catastrophes include the earthquakes in Italy and New Zealand.
One should always be prepared and have an emergency plan. For this reason, we've listed which items are important to have in the face of an emergency situation.

First Aid Kit
It's always a good idea to keep a first aid kit in your car. If you don't have a car or park it far away, it's good to keep one in your home as well.
This isn't exactly essential, which is why no one ever mentions it. However, if you have cash on you, you'll be able to react in the aftermath of the disaster. You'll have peace of mind and the ability to buy essentials.
Personal Documents
Have at least one copy - a scanned and printed version of all your most important documents. This will make it much easier for you to get new ones.
Stored Food
Even without any forecast of disasters looming on the horizon, it's always good to have a few cans of food stowed away. They're small and don't take up much room, plus will really come in handy in the event of an emergency, especially if the power's out for a week, for example.
Stock Up on Water

One of the first things you're going to need after a catastrophe strikes is water. But if it is a serious one, getting water will be difficult. Therefore, it's always best to have it prepared ahead of time.
Emergency Plan for you and your Family
You and other members of your family might be in different parts of the city when a disaster hits. In such an event, it'll be much easier for you to reunite if you've prepared a plan about where to meet up. Come up with an emergency and evacuation plan, even if you don't think you'll ever need it. Review it at least twice a year.

Store away a few battery packs and a flashlight, as well as several candles, in your home.
Insure your Home
Of course, this isn't the first thing you should be doing in the face of an oncoming hurricane but it will definitely make repairing the damage, whatever it may be, a lot easier.
Every city and building has its own evacuation plan. Look these over just in case.