»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning Injured People
Injured dogTo dream of an injured dog, means that you are losing a good friend.......
InjuryTo dream that you are trying to cause harm, means the person next to you wants to modify.......
Old peopleIf you see old men in your sleep, you will gain valuable skills and knowledge. If you dream that you are old, then......
Sick peopleA dream that you are ill, means you will enjoy a healthy and successful completion of work. Seeing someone else ill......
Dead peopleDreaming that dead people cry or smile, predicts that you may get sick.......
Unknown peopleIf you see unknown people in your sleep, avoid changes in your work.......
Many peopleTo dream of many people , means you have to be wary of problems in reality.......
Transporting peopleTo dream of transporting people , suggests that you do not have to bear additional responsibilities and obligations as....
Room with peopleTo dream of a room with people , predicts that you will win money.......
GriffinIf you see it feed, the people do not perceive your behavior as favorable.......
VultureDreaming of vultures, means you must be protected from personal injury .......
LawyerTo dream that someone is a lawyer, means that someone has the intent to deceive or injure .......2
IncidentIf you are injured in an accident, means endangering risk to your life.......
SwordDreaming of a rusty sword, is a sign of injured dignity.......
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