»Dream Dictionary»Dream of Swimming in River
SwimmingIf you dream of swimming in the river , you will have financial and business progress.......
SwimingTo dream of swiming in a river , means to have financial or business progress.......
RivetTo dream of a rivet , suggests that you will help a friend in a serious situation.......
RiversIf you hear the noise of a river in your sleep, slander and false rumors about you will surface.......
River rapidsTo dream you see the rapids of the river , means that you will be a witness of frequent changes of partners in ...
Muddy riverTo dream of a muddy river , means you should prepare for misadventure and bad times.......
Swollen riverTo dream of a swollen and overflowing river , predicts setbacks at work, changing your workplace or a change of th...
Dry riverDreaming that you see a dried up river , means you will implement intentions and plans.......
Swinging Swinging in a cradle in your dreams means that you will struggle to achieve success.......
Swimming poolTo dream that you swim in a dirty pool, suggests that you will have lots of cares and troubles in the family.......
Swimming, swimTo dream of swimming in a river , suggests that you will have financial and business progress.......
Synchronized swimmingTo dream of synchronized swimming , means that your intentions may go wrong as you expect change that you have not a...
RivalDreaming that you got a rival or competitor, suggests that you may have trouble and grief in love and life.......
In loveYou dream that you love, you should be wary of problems and malicious attacks on you, because everything could explode...
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