Aim high this year because the greater your demands of yourself, the more successful the coming months will be. Don't underestimate your skills because in so doing you'd be wasting your fortune.
But on your road to success you're going to have to bid farewell to everything that no longer benefits you. These may be relationships that have run their course or habits that stop your progress personally and professionally.
2018 is going to provide you the opportunity to build solid foundations which you'll be able to take advantage of for a long time to come. Vast successes in your career and long-term plans await, while the obstacles in this field will seem insignificant.
You may build up a great authority and earn the respect of others, as long as you follow your instincts and don't give in to fears. Act with confidence and luck will smile upon you.
You have excellent opportunities to shine in your career, while your professional projects are highly regarded without you investing too much effort. You're going to enjoy recognition from figures of authority.

But the year is going to throw you into emotional crises, thereby testing the credibility of your dreams. It's time for you to drop part of your illusions and familiarize yourself with reality in its true light.
Don't be tempted to run from reality if whatever happens isn't to your liking, instead take the approach of an adult who isn't afraid of facing their problems.
Throughout the year you're also going to be able to learn how to trust your intuition, instead of just your reasoning. Quite often, your spontaneous emotions are a more reliable adviser than long-term analysis and thoughts about the circumstances.
If you'd like for your desires to become reality, don't rush to talk about them during the year. First make sure that your intentions are indeed realistic enough.
The great challenge before you is to act alone and not announce your intentions to all who are listening. Be more introverted, while listening more often than speaking.