You're going to be meeting many new people this year, ones who will completely alter your old understandings. Your good luck this year will come to you via communication and social networks. Don't be afraid to communicate and share your ideas in some kind of form.
2018 is going to provide you the opportunity to grow spiritually, as long as you're ready and willing to explore the unseen. Delve into the depths of your subconscious and find the reasons behind your emotions. It's the only way you're going to feel truly successful.
Utilize your intuition more often throughout the year because it will lead you in the right direction. Your faith will grow only if you discover the cause-and-effect relationship between past traumas and your negative mindset regarding certain issues in the present.
If you dig around those unpleasant subjects of the past you may enrich your current knowledge and become much more confident in yourself. Only once you realize what had actually happened to you and look at the positive side of the events will you raise your self-worth.

Throughout the year you may significantly increase your contacts and develop your communication skills - both written and oral, but first you'll have to delve into the dark corners of your conscious and find out what's getting in the way of your success.
During the new year, you're going to have to charge yourself with patience and be more responsible in the fields of creativity, fun and relationships with your children. Before you lies the opportunity to build stability in this aspect but you're going to have to follow the rules.
You're forced to follow a certain structure and work hard despite the hurdles. The year may teach you to be more creative, to have wholehearted fun or communicate wholeheartedly but these will shake the foundations of your knowledge thus far.
Look at the challenges as an opportunity to build up a solid self-esteem and become the center of attention with your talents. You may be criticized more frequently if you're doing something creative but this is an opportunity to perfect your creative side.
The year is going to turn your gaze to the present in order for you to enjoy what you've already achieved, instead of constantly worrying about the future.