Even though you're the type of person that's social and open to the world, this year you're going to feel much greater satisfaction if you remain by yourself more frequently. Throughout the new year you need to feed your spiritual nature.
You're going to have to pursue your desires yourself, without any additional support. Use the opportunity to develop your hidden talents and bring your hidden needs out in the open. Don't put limits on your fantasies because your most profitable ideas will indeed come from your imagination.
Try not to attract too much attention because the fewer the people that know about your plans the more successful their realization will be. Weigh the pros and cons mentally and avoid seeking advice from others.
Your intuition will be strong this year, guiding you accordingly whenever you're in doubt. You're going to have more luck if you trust your 6th sense, instead of wasting your time seeking facts and proofs.
Allow yourself to fantasize more throughout the year and you'll be surprised to find that these fantasies aren't as silly as they may have seemed before. Begin some kind of creative project that will stimulate your imagination and encourage you to look at the world beyond its usual limits.

All sorts of spiritual and occultic sciences are also going to enrich your mind. Even if you've never before put much faith in psychology, astrology or numerology, don't miss the opportunity to learn more about yourself this year, even via a more unusual way.
The new year is going to teach you some serious lessons regarding the material world and finances. If so far you've been living to indulge yourself, in 2018 you're going to have to tighten your belt.
The events of the year are going to teach you how to spend wisely and how to plan your budget so there's no unpleasant surprises as a consequence. If you do not follow the rules and continue to waste money you're in for some serious implications.
The year is going to drive you to realize what's truly important, instead of being satisfied with the superficial. So don't despair if your material possessions start to disappear. The world is going to teach you how to value even the little things, without determining the value of your possessions based on their price alone.