2017 falls under the sign of the Fire Rooster, which will provide good fortune to partnerships and family-oriented people.
From an astrological standpoint, the new year is going to be a continuation of the changes we've started in 2016, while 5 of the zodiac signs are going to handle the challenges better than the rest.
In 2017, you're going to realize that even the projects you thought impossible are actually doable, as long as you want them bad enough. You're going to attract the attention and applause of those closest to you if you're active and pursue your dreams.
In 2017, you're going to discover a new passion, which you'll need to set aside time for, as well as for your professional obligations. Your new hobbies and the new people you meet will lead you toward success throughout the year.

Throughout this year, you will be able to achieve every one of your New Year's resolutions, if you follow through with your plans. Your personal happiness and goals need to be a priority this year so that it's a successful one for you.
You have the opportunity to conquer great peaks professionally and personally but you have to be persistent, instead of giving up at the first sign of difficulty. Amazing opportunities are opening up for you, take advantage of them.
Even though toward the end of 2016 you felt like you were going nowhere, during the first months of 2017, a great many of your plans are going to progress, while love will be your luckiest aspect in the year of the Fire Rooster.
Expect great fortune in your romantic relationship. Those in one will find out whether they're with the right person, while those feeling lonely will meet their soul mate, without putting in much effort.
You have quite a dynamic year ahead of you, loaded with events, which you should face with an open heart. The biggest surprises will be on the love front, while fate will show singles that they should not have lost hope about finding the right person.
Trust your impulses and feelings more throughout the year and don't preoccupy yourself with finding logic all the time, in order to fully enjoy all the surprises in store for you.

Expect many happy events during the year, beginning with love. You're going to enjoy understanding and support on the part of your partner, while singles are going to receive compensation from fate for all the lonely nights they've had the past few months.
You will be able to go far in 2017 via communication and information. The new people you meet are going to be exceptionally beneficial to you and allow you to expand your horizons and broaden your viewpoint