Starting today, Mercury begins its journey through the territory of the sign of Scorpio, which may cause us to be more aggressive in communication but we'll be able to clearly find out who we can and cannot trust.
Even though you have great opportunities before you, it'll be difficult for you to realize your ideas today, as you're going to be feeling confusion and fear of failure that's not typical for you. Despite having countless choices, cut them back to a minimum and follow logic when making decisions, not your ideals. If you have need of support, first make sure that the person in question is reliable enough for you to trust./zodiac

It's possible you have highly unrealistic expectations toward those closest to you - this mindset may cause you problems. Don't panic thinking that you can't count on anyone, instead take a second look at your criteria. When you restore your peace of mind, help will come from an unexpected source./zodiac
Today, your sympathetic side will drive you to help people who haven't been as fortunate as you. Open your heart and don't criticize every mistake, instead try to understand the person across from you. Accept others as they are and don't try to change them into some kind of impossible form of perfection./zodiac
Don't trust any proposals today; if they seem fraudulent, they most likely are. Take all the facts into consideration and be especially mindful of reality, not your dreams, so you don't end up paying dearly later on. It's best if you were to put off the important projects for another day, when your judgment clears up./zodiac

Be careful when making decisions today, especially if you find yourself having to make sacrifices all in the name of your dreams. Even if the offers look good at the moment, after awhile it may turn out that in your desire to realize your dreams you've lost others' trust in you. Be mindful of those closest to you when it comes to your desires./zodiac
Logic may be misleading you today, leading you to incorrectly interpret events and people. Be more scrupulous toward the information and don't just trust anyone. Don't allow your feelings to lead the way either, as they may be misleading. Let your analytical side take the reins and analyze every small detail of whatever's happening./zodiac
You're going to feel like leaving all serious tasks aside and lazing around. The day will be productive for individuals with creative professions since their imagination will be stimulated enough for them to come up with new things. Avoid making too big of promises because it may turn out you've overestimated your abilities./zodiac
Today you're going to have to part with some of your old dreams because your highly unrealistic goals are actually getting in the way of the achievable ones. You'll have to come back down to Earth and consider reality, instead of pursuing illusions. It may not be to your liking but later on you'll be thankful for this period./zodiac
It'll be difficult for you to tell the truth from lies today, especially if related to something you really want. Don't lose touch with reality while chasing your big dream because you'll regret it bitterly later. Also try not to give out to many promises, prompted by your self-confidence./zodiac
Although you are a person with sound judgment, today there's a danger of you succumbing to illusions. Be wary in your communication with others, especially in love, because your fantasies will lead you down the wrong path. You may find yourself being deluded more today, which is why you shouldn't make serious decisions./zodiac
Balancing the spiritual and material side of your life today may turn out to be a difficult task. Be careful with your imagination, especially when communicating. You may get the impression that someone is insulting or attacking you with words, while that is not the truth of it. Enjoy the present moment more and think less about the future./zodiac