Due to the movement of the Moon in Scorpio it'll be impossible to contain our passionate feelings today. But its unfavorable aspect with Mars advises us to be more reasonable than emotional.
Aries - Today you're going to come face to face with your old fears and feelings you though long-forgotten may reappear. To handle them you need to believe in yourself more. Think about successes you've recently earned because this will help you gain better confidence.
Taurus - Even though you have no desire to deal with others people's drama today, you're not going to be able to ignore them. Don't try to find logic in the complaints of loved ones, just show compassion. Even if their problems seem insignificant, show empathy and support.

Gemini - You're going to have to show a bit more patience in your tasks today because progress isn't going to be as quick as you'd have hoped. You're likely going to have to scrap some of your work methods because they simply aren't effective. The fact that you're so busy with your projects isn't allowing you take an objective look at your own abilities, so don't be so hard on yourself.
Cancer - It'll be hard for you to deal with the conditions at work today but you're going to try to hide your lack of confidence from coworkers and bosses. But there's no need to suppress your emotions and isolate yourself. Seek out some of your close friends so you can share what's happening and use their aid to get out of this period more easily.
Leo - You may say or do something radical today under the influence of your emotions that will shock those around you. Your emotions will overtake your reasoning but this shouldn't worry you because it's not going to affect your work or personal life. Trouble will only arise from others' comments and then only if you take them seriously.
Virgo - Others are going to try to affect your self-esteem today and you shouldn't ignore this fact. Don't suppress your feelings because they're not going to go away over time but will continue to grow. Admit, at least to yourself, that you feel offended and do whatever is necessary to put the negative feelings behind you instead of pretending that nothing happened.
Libra - You're going to remember the past today and you may meet up with people you've said your goodbyes to long ago. You'll be beset by strong emotions that you won't be able to ignore. Don't try to run from them, instead use them to revise mistakes from the past you don't wish to repeat.
Scorpio - The day will bring back people and events from the past that you thought to be long-forgotten. Even though it'll be hard for you to talk about painful subjects with people who have hurt you, it's better to do so because you'll overcome the disappointments more easily. Don't forget that you're no longer living in the past and use the point of view you have today.

Sagittarius - Even if you would like to have others' attention on you and your actions today, you're not advised to be the center of attention right this day. Maybe you'd like your friends and coworkers to notice your successes but if you direct their attention to your work, they may notice your big oversights. Focus on completing your tasks before you go looking for praise.
Capricorn - Your ambitions plans, that you've been pursuing with a passion lately, will come to the fore. There's no way to hide your desire for huge success because you're going to end up in a heated competition and others will clearly see that victory is truly important to you. Don't try to undermine the work of your coworkers just so you can shine.
Aquarius - Despite the fact that you're fully aware what your plans are for the future, you're going to experience serious doubts today and won't be able to decide on the first step toward realizing your dreams. Try to get others involved in your ideas because they may help you when you lose your motivation again. Even if you don't get any useful aid, your friends and coworkers will distract you from negative thoughts.
Pisces - Today you're going to have to explain to the people around you your change in opinion regarding your travels abroad or education. You may hear some serious criticisms concerning this change but don't get into heated arguments, instead open your mind to opinions that differ from your own.