Mercury in Cancer and Uranus in Aries form an unfavorable position today, which will make interpersonal communication difficult. Opinions may clash and we may be taken aback by nonstandard ideas.
Aries - You're going to have mixed feelings toward the advice of others and even though you won't be able to hide your need of help, you'll prefer to work alone today. It would still be good to consider the opinion of those closest to you, who can warn you of danger. Even if you believe that you can resolve your problems yourself, don't turn down your family's propositions.

Taurus - If you need support in your projects, seek out friends and you'll be surprised how much your ideas will progress. New tempting opportunities may appear today that will entice you to forget about security and take risks. Nothing's stopping you from trying something new and even if it doesn't work out, you'll take away an important life lesson.
Gemini - You have to forget about your spiritual pursuits today and focus on assuring material stability. Some of your projects at work can't be put off any longer - it's time to start work on them. Bring order to your tasks and then get to work on them, beginning from the most serious ones. You're going to have to work a bit more but your efforts will be rewarded.
Cancer - Your socializing with loved ones isn't going to run smoothly. It's possible that your desire for a bit more independence will provoke their anger and spur conflicts with them. Don't give ground on your positions, especially if you're trying to bring changes to your daily life. After awhile, the quarrels will die down and you will have reached the desired transformation.
Leo - You're going to fall into emotional dilemmas today because on the one hand you want to share your plans with others but on the other you're not going to feel confident enough in your ideas to reveal them to the world. Gather a bit more self-confidence and reveal your intentions because with a bit more aid and motivation you'll have more strength to make them reality.
Virgo - The reactions of the people around you today are going to be the reason why you close yourself off and not share your opinion and ideas. But isolation will hurt you more than help you. Even if your propositions aren't accepted, your coworkers and friends are going to respect you for your courage.
Libra - You're going to feel divided today because 2 tempting opportunities will appear and it won't be at all easy for you to choose one of them. Consider the feelings that each of the options before you offers but also take into consideration the facts that point to whether the choice is a suitable one or not. Think but don't delay making your decision for too long.
Scorpio - Even though others expect concrete propositions and actions with which to advance your plans, you'll prefer to isolate yourself from the surrounding world. But don't push away those who have proven with time to deserve your trust. It's normal to experience hesitation and fear before you take a huge step toward change, so don't be afraid to share your feelings.
Sagittarius - Control your primal instincts today and try to be more reasonable, especially when making decisions concerning your professional development. Your curiosity toward the new and unknown may be extremely high but it is an inappropriate adviser today. It's better to rely on security and stability.

Capricorn - The day may bring you more face-to-face conversations that will spice up your usual routine. Share your opinion clearly and precisely and try to be a good listener so you don't create a bad impression. Stay away from conflicts, even if the argument is about a topic important to you because later on you'll regret having getting involved.
Aquarius - You're at the final stretch in an important project and today you have to focus your energy on the final touches regarding its completion. Don't give in to worries, work with patience and consistency because the finish line is close and there's no sense in stressing yourself for nothing. Others might see you as a weirdo but this shouldn't bother you.
Pisces - Be careful with your words today because you may hurt a loved one's feelings and then find it difficult to fix the situation. Keep your obscene jokes and sarcasm to yourself and try to listen more than talk today. Don't have fun with others' shortcomings because fate will get back at you.