The positive aspect between the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Virgo will bring you successes and you'll find a way out of even the most tangled situations. Today your sense of justice is going to feel sharper.
Aries - You're going to be the center of attention today, for good or bad, and your actions will be evaluated by others. Listen to the criticisms with a calm and don't try to save yourself by invoking pity from others, even if you have serious problems. Maintain the line between your personal and professional life and only entrust those closest to you with whatever's happening to you right now.
Taurus - Your worries will grow today and you'll feel great relief only when you share them. Even though you're not going to feel comfortable bringing your greatest fears out in the open, this will help you restore your peace of mind. Don't close yourself off, even if you're convinced that you can solve your problems on your own.

Gemini - Serious tasks are going to pile up today but you're going to be lacking the needed concentration to deal with every single one of them. So only pick out the ones that seem most interesting and allow you to let your creativity loose. Throughout the day, it's important to be more reasonable and stick to facts whenever you have to make a decision.
Cancer - It's time to put an end to the concerns that only cause you harm. If lately you've been dedicating a lot of your time to friends or relatives, stop doing them favors and leave them to handle their problems themselves. Your radical behavior won't be well accepted at first but later on those same people will thank you.
Leo - That which is left unsaid today will come back to bite you, so you're advised to be as honest as possible. Don't be afraid to start the conversation yourself by confessing to some details you've kept hidden in the past. Your plans won't come to fruition at work if you refuse to collaborate with coworkers.
Virgo - Share your ideas openly today and don't worry about others not approving them at first. Even if you isolate yourself briefly, this will be good for you because you'll be able to focus on your personal goals. Your methods will be viewed with greater confidence in the future once you prove that you're serious and do what you say.
Libra - Today you're going to be split between reason and emotions whenever you have to make an important decision. Since you won't be able to hesitate long, weigh all the pros and cons and make your decision the same day. In your work obligations, focus on the details and look over your projects several times.
Scorpio - Even though there are a range of opportunities before you, you're going to have to find some time alone to think about which is the most appropriate. Don't share your personal dilemmas with everyone, place distinct boundaries between your loved ones and acquaintances. Also don't be afraid to reveal your hesitations to a friend who may provide you a new perspective.

Sagittarius - Thanks to your investigative skills, you're going to more easily find solutions to the problems that appear at work out of nowhere. Use the information before you but don't make impulsive decisions, instead carefully think over the facts. Don't submit to your emotions and imagination because today they may mislead you.
Capricorn - Don't be tempted to provoke arguments today just to satisfy your intellectual needs. You may be more expressive in your communication with others today but try not to take over the conversation and do let others express their own viewpoint as well. You have an opportunity give your romantic relationship or business partnerships a push forward.
Aquarius - You may not have enough time to finish a given project but this is no reason become anxious because you'll likely make even worse mistakes. Working under pressure may even be fruitful because it will bring out your creative side. Do the first thing that comes to mind today and don't be influenced by others' opinion.
Pisces - The day will encourage your active side and you're going to want to go out and have fun. Even though it'll be difficult to find people ready to abandon their obligations, your adventurous side won't be quelled. This mindset may cause you some problems but at least you'll learn an important lesson for the future.