Mercury will begin traversing the territory of fiery Leo starting today, and as such we're going to feel genuine satisfaction from our communication with others. We may become more expressive and seek the attention of loved ones.
Aries - You're going to have an incredible desire to share your feelings with others today because you're going to get the sense that you can bring order to the chaos in your life through these conversations. But do maintain a normal level of discretion and don't reveal too much because your sincerity may turn against you later. You'd best talk with someone close in order to release the tension.
Taurus - Today some of your dreams are going to hit the brick wall of reality and you're going to have to deal with it. Regardless, don't say a final farewell to your fantasies, instead let them take a backseat at this time, while you invest your time in aspects that provide better stability. Don't dismiss others' advice concerning your work.
Gemini - Be careful not to overwhelm yourself with the details surrounding your professional projects today and don't forget your important goals. You're going to be efficient if you stick to reality and work with consistency in your tasks. Flexibility will also be your ally today.

Cancer - Since you're not a fan of risky undertakings, especially when it comes to your career, today it would be best if you only ponder over the offers you're going to be made. Since it's not going to be clear whether your decisions are the right ones or not, it would be best if you give yourself a day or 2 before you take a decisive step. You can share your uncertainties with coworkers and bosses.
Leo - You can count on the support of others if you share your ideas with them today. Even though you'd prefer to keep some of your fantasies to yourself, the day is going to give you plenty of opportunities to bring them out in the open and thus help their realization. Even if you don't believe it, a single casual conversation may show you the way to making your dreams come true.
Virgo - Your hard stand on a certain issue may provoke conflicts with your friends throughout the day. You're not going to want to reveal your intentions behind your choice, even if this makes communication with others easier. But try to overcome your fears when taking on a great change by yourself. Be more cautious when making important decisions.
Libra - You're going to be attracted by free-spirited people throughout the day but by the end of it your differences in viewpoints are going to collide and you're going to have heated arguments. It's difficult for you to trust unpredictable people, for whom there are no limits, but don't be too rough with them just because your way of life differs from theirs. Sometimes there are useful ideas to be found in differences that you can utilize.
Scorpio - Today you may end up in the middle of a debate hot concerning religion and morals. Since the topics are sensitive and you may end up offending someone, don't make radical conclusions about these issues in front of others. You're going to have to take a few more risks at work if you're seeking change. No one's going to guarantee you anything 100% but nothing's stopping you from trying something new.

Sagittarius - Stay away from the spotlight today and don't take any sides in arguments between coworkers. Keep quiet and try to ignore the situation around you. Making your own personal space will have a positive effect on your work and you may progress on a long-awaited project.
Capricorn - Throughout the day you're going to have conversations about topics sensitive to you. Even though you will try to maintain your secrets, the circumstances around you will urge you to share them. Your reactions throughout the day may surprise even you by proving to you that no matter how hard you've tried, you have not yet forgotten the past.
Aquarius - The new changes at work will be the reason for your bad mood today. Even though you have excellent adaptation skills, it'll be hard for you to really get into the new situation because you're not going to understand it. But if you focus on the differences too long, it won't be easy for you to find a short route toward the big change.
Pisces - Today you're not going to be at your best at work. Even though you'll strive to follow your plans made ahead of time, many tempting illusions are going to pop up and you may fall into their trap. As such, it's not at all recommended to start work on overly serious tasks today.