»Dream Dictionary»Dream of Falling Into Water
Falling into a shaftTo dream that you fell into a pit, signifies that you will get the better of a person which you compete with, or an....
Falling into a wellTo dream that you fall into a well, indicates that you should be cautious or tense, as survival is quite possible, as....1
dream of waterIf you dream of a water source drying up, it is never nice. Expect poverty and trouble of all kinds.......
Glass of waterDreaming of a glass of water means your health is excellent.......
FallingDreaming of falling leaves, suggests grief and sadness to the heart.......2
WaterIf you are jumping into a pool of water , this is a sure indicator that very soon many of your dreams will come t...
Falling starsIf you see in your dream falling stars, the loss of a loved one may be coming.......
falling teethTo dream that you have falling teeth, suggests that you shall learn of someone's death.......
Falling starTo dream that you see a falling star, indicates that you may be losing a close one.......
Mineral waterDreaming of mineral water , indicates that you will get the benefit of side pursuits of pleasure or hobby.......
Turbid waterDreaming of taking cloudy water from a well, suggests that you should be careful which is not good.......
Mud waterTo dream of mud in the water , means you take the trouble and care.......
Ice waterIf you dream of ice water , it means you will hamper the work.......
Deep waterTo dream of deep water , suggests a serious danger for you.......
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