

Looking for information on Samhain? Check out our latest articles on Samhain.
The Wicked Rituals Once Practiced on All Hallows' EveThe Wicked Rituals Once Practiced on All Hallows' Eve
Its origins stem from the pagan ritual of Samhain (Samhuinn, Sauin, Samaín) which the Celts performed when the barriers between the worlds of the living and the dead grew thin....
The True Story of Halloween will Stun you!The True Story of Halloween will Stun you!
It was said that on the eve of the Samhain festival, the dead would return to Earth as ghosts....
The Strangest Beliefs about HalloweenThe Strangest Beliefs about Halloween
The celebrations on Halloween are related to the ancient Celts, who traditionally marked their New Year - Halloween (Samhain) at the end of the month of October....