»Advices»How Many Chakras Does a Person Have?

How Many Chakras Does a Person Have?

How Many Chakras Does a Person Have?

There are 7 chakras in our body, which are the basic ones. There is also another eighth one, which is additional.

What are chakras?

Basically, chakra literally translated from Sanskrit means wheel. Chakras are energy centers in our body, that help regulate every single process and function in our body. Chakras support the proper function of organs, improve the health and functioning of our immune system and influence our emotions and mood. These 7 chakras are located in different places in the body - from the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra has a different frequency of vibration and each one is a different color. Each chakra is associated with the different seven senses in the body.

- The first chakra is called Muladhara - which is located very deep at the base of our spine - where the tailbone and pubic bone are located. It can also be found under the name root chakra. This chakra is the body's main connection to the earth and is responsible for making us feel strong, confident and safe. Its color is red;

- The second chakra is called Svadhisthana. It can also be found under the names Sacral or Abdominal. It is located in the lower abdomen 2 cm from the belly button. The color of this chakra is orange, it corresponds to the element of water. The sense this chakra is responsible for is taste;

- The third chakra is called Manipura or solar plexus chakra. It is located above the level of the belly button, its color is yellow and corresponds to the element of fire. It is influenced by a person's confidence in themselves and gives strength to fulfill life's challenges;

- The fourth chakra is called Anahata or also called the heart chakra. It is located in the area of the heart behind the sternum. The feelings this chakra is responsible for are love, compassion and spirituality. Its element is air and its color is green;

- The fifth chakra is called Vishuddha. It is located in the throat area. It is responsible for communication and creativity. Its strength lies in telling the truth and keeping secrets. It allows us to express ourselves more easily, to exercise our right to speak up. It has a blue color and its element is ether;

- The sixth chakra is called Ajna or the third eye chakra. It is located in the center of the forehead. Its color is indigo and it is responsible for light. It is influenced by intuition and imagination;

- The seventh chakra is the Sahasrara or crown chakra. It is located on top of the head. The color of this chakra is violet and its element is thought. It represents spirituality and is activated when the other 6 chakras are balanced.



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