Dream of dancing class
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I Dreamt That....
me, my friends and our mums and sisters were at a shopping centre when we realised dancing was going to start so we raced to the dancing hall and found it being used by the church so me went my place when all of a sudden my dancing class came to my house asking to use my house
but it was to small so the dance teacher said that we could go to where she lived so we did and we went to this dome pressed a lever and went down to a upside-down world and did dancing there then we went back how and started telling my mum's partner about the place and he said
"and our world got abducted by robots and then robots came out of nowhere and started taking over the world so my nan and pop my mum and mum's partner my sister me, and my friend and their family decided to go to the dome where they can go to the upside-down world
when we got there we found a duplicate of our houses and we pulled the lever and found our self back in the upside-down world where we eat lunch with my dancing teacher who we told about what happened and met her pet one of them being a crocodile/snake/monster but a friendly one though the pets left
I Woke Up....
me, my friends and our mums and sisters were at a shopping centre when we realised dancing was going to start so we raced to the dancing hall and found it being used by the church so me went my place when all of a sudden my dancing class came to my house asking to use my house
but it was to small so the dance teacher said that we could go to where she lived so we did and we went to this dome pressed a lever and went down to a upside-down world and did dancing there then we went back how and started telling my mum's partner about the place and he said
"and our world got abducted by robots and then robots came out of nowhere and started taking over the world so my nan and pop my mum and mum's partner my sister me, and my friend and their family decided to go to the dome where they can go to the upside-down world
when we got there we found a duplicate of our houses and we pulled the lever and found our self back in the upside-down world where we eat lunch with my dancing teacher who we told about what happened and met her pet one of them being a crocodile/snake/monster but a friendly one though the pets left
I Woke Up....
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