»True Stories»Dreams»Dream about a dead nun

Dream about a dead nun

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Dream about a dead nun
I dreamt that i was at my old house( i hated this house because i always felt unsafe), and in my backyard was a cemetery. I use to stay in a flat just behind the house and my parents stayed in the main house. In my dream there were lots of people in my yard people i didn't know,it felt more like a public park to be honest but the overall feeling i got from this dream felt extremely gloomy and sad.

I had a feeling that i should tell the people to evacuate the premises as i felt that there was something not right. I ran to my flat and found my parents in my bed and they just stared at me with no facial expression ,so i ran back to the cemetery. As i got to the cemetery i saw an old box on the floor i think it had the remains of someone in it and i looked at it for a moment and notices to name plate on it but it was very old and old stained glass was covering it so i couldn't see the names and left it there on the ground where i found it.

As i looked up i saw this old obese nun just staring at me so i went to her and asked her awkwardly if she was alive or dead because she was so pale and the way she stared at me i just got the feeling that she was dead.She didn't respond she just kept staring and suddenly started screaming as if she wanted to scare me.i Could tell she was a very tormented soul and not alive anymore. After that i woke up.


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Death dream
Death dream
You have a fear of death, perhaps more specifically, your parents' death. Death is a part of life. You must face your fears. Refuse to give in to fear, and instead live your life with meaning and intention, and enjoy the time you have left with them. Don't be afraid, it's OK.
24.03.2013 14:08
Just A suggestion
Just A suggestion
It sounds to me you woke up in the spirit world sort of like a dream world. If I were you I would have someone pray for you. Someone like a priest who believes in the holy Trinity. It may also be wise to think about making some life changes that are more positive and that would include Jesus. I would also stay from any fantasy of death or others who take joy in such.
17.03.2013 21:37
Dylan Roper
Dylan Roper
hi leche, reading this brings back memories of childhood dreams. i used to dream this weird dream of my family a fair amount of the time. it was like i was awake in my dream and i walk into a room a different room each dream and my parents or brother or sister would be sitting there, id say hi and they would just sit there staring at me and id get the most fucked up feeling in my life just shoot down my spine. it felt like they were dead. i feel its affected my relationships with my family and friends.
06.03.2013 04:29