»Dream Dictionary»Dream of Dolphin in Islam
IslamIf you dream of Islam , suggests you are rethinking what you do now.......
DolphinTo dream that you hear the sound of a dolphin without seeing it, then you will hear news that will dismay.......
DolphinsYou see a dolphin move away in the water, expect death of a person who is not your friend or relative.......
IslandTo dream that you visited an exotic island , means you are to improve in your ability to acquire some work experience...
In loveYou dream that you love, you should be wary of problems and malicious attacks on you, because everything could explode...
In-lawsIf you dream of your in -laws - you will worry, if you talk to them – danger is lurking.......
break inDreaming of a break in at your house, then you have to protect your dreams at your place of work, but also to care...
Father in law, mother in lawTo dream of your mother or father in law, predicts that you may have a quarrel in the family and problems at home....3
Sister-in-lawTo dream of you sister- in -law, means relatives hurt or insult you.......1
Hole in ceilingTo dream of an hole in the ceiling, means you will take money from a loan.......
Sister-in-lawTo dream of your sister- in -law, suggests a woman will hurt you.......
Walking in natureTo dream that you walk in any location, suggests that you may expect new acquaintances.......
Pain in legsIf you have pain in your legs in your dream, suggests expected losses and damages.......
Brother-in-lawTo dream you see your brother- in -law, suggests you take your family disputes.......
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