Astronomical summer is here and even if the weather is still being odd we have to prepare for adventures in the heat and sunny days.
Your summer horoscope for 2018 advises you to be open in your communication. It's the quickest way you'll build honest friendships, which you so badly need.
It's possible that some of your new acquaintances will grow closer to you than you had suspected. An innocent friendship could quickly transform into a romantic relationship.
What's important is that you listen to your inner voice. Your intuition will advise you to the best course of action, in order to avoid mundane mistakes.

Until the end of June the stars encourage you to take care of your financial well-being. Hard work and diligence will help ensure you decent amounts of money until the end of the summer.
During July, focus on your emotional state. It's possible that you'll temporarily suffer from apathy, which will push you toward dangerous behavior. Do everything possible to spend the period with the right people, who will protect you from making mistakes.
During August, expect changes in all aspects of your life. You may receive a new job offer or leave your old job blazing.
In the personal aspect you'll need to get used to certain novelties. Those in relationships will find themselves in a new stage of it, while singles will consider the idea of a serious relationship.
At the beginning of the summer you're going to experience contradictions with the opposite sex that are going to make you focus on your career and entertainment instead. But yet another wave of romantic relations is coming on the horizon this August.
From the very early days of summer you're going to feel appreciated, desired and loved. Even if you're not in a serious relationship, you're going to enjoy plenty of attention from the opposite sex. This summer you're definitely not going to be find yourself lacking sweet moments and excitement.

You need to be smart when choosing a new occupation this summer. Don't overestimate your strengths. You have need of a real break, starting new classes or hobbies will kill the little free time you have left.
Refrain from serious tasks until the end of June and save your energy. Several unexpected events await you this July, ones that will lead you facing seriously challenges. You need to mobilize very well in order to handle them.
Use every free minute available to socialize with others and meet new people. Go out more and have fun. You have a dire need of being among other people and socializing. This will boost your self-esteem and make you more confident.
You're going to enjoy great successes until the end of June if you decide to deal with financial issues. July will be an excellent time to travel. So ask for more time off and organize an exciting trip to a far-off destination.

Unexpected but positive events are going to take place in your life. They may be related to you alone or they could affect the rest of the members of your family as well. August is the best time for love expression. Your chances for a new relationship will be highest in mid-August.
This summer you're going to have to overcome your fears and get into the role of a leader. The influence of Jupiter is going to help you manifest your qualities in the best possible way and win others' approval. Lower the amount of work tasks this August and devote yourself to your family.
You're going to achieve a lot if you focus on your spiritual development this summer. Use the coming weeks for meditation, reading esoteric and philosophical literature. Enriching your inner world is going to make your life more interesting and joyous.

If problems are torturing you at the workplace, try to resolve them by the end of June because after that it's going to be quite difficult for you to focus. Once July hits you're going to be in a vacation type of mood and focus more on fun, romance and flirting. You're going to be reaping benefits mostly on the love front until August.
The end of June is good time to start new projects. During July you'll be able to prove yourself as a good competitor and win admirers. But when it comes to more serious decisions, don't rush during August. Analyze your plans carefully and leave them to simmer in your mind for a bit.
You'll enjoy successes during June if you busy yourself intellectually. July, on the other hand, is going to be a time when you'll have to express your opinion more often. Stop worrying about others and impose yourself. It's time for others to start respecting your position.