Throughout the new year you're going to have opportunities for slow, yet sure growth. Your prospects for progress may seem small and insignificant at the beginning but if you're persistent enough, they'll turn out to be the jackpot.
If you'd like to make a change at your workplace, know that in 2018 you're going to feel inspired to find your true calling, so that your job isn't just an obligation. The opportunities in this regard are many.
Your relationships with your coworkers or employees, if you're in a leadership position, are also going to be smoother over the coming months. You're going to find the similarities between you and have reasons to laugh together.
The serious lessons throughout the year are going to come in the field of finance, forcing you to learn how to manage your money yourself. Don't rely on help from anyone on the side because you'll be left misguided and cheated.
Drastic changes await regarding your income throughout the year and you're going to have to administer corrections to make your budget sound again. It's possible that money you've relied on thus far will vanish.

If you have any debts, they're going to start weighing on you throughout the year. Take all of the responsibility for your financial situation and don't look for a savior, instead organize and create a plan with which to get out of the unpleasant situation. You can consult with others but don't try to find someone who will do your work instead of you.
Beginning the 2nd half of the year you're going to be struggling with an old feeling of guilt or shame which you had been keeping to yourself until now. You find a growing interesting in studying metaphysical sciences, astrology and numerology.
A spiritual and emotional awakening lies in store for you that will show you what makes you unique and why you should stop neglecting the shadowy sides of your character that you hadn't been proud of so far.